Behavioral Inertia

k p Collins kpaulc at [----------]earthlink.net
Wed Jan 14 08:59:36 EST 2004

There was an Article in 'yesterday's =New York Times=,
"Israeli Invites Leader of Syria To Jerusalem, but is Re-
buffed", by J. Bennet, [I failed to capture the page #],
perhaps it can be found on the =NYT= web site(?)

The dynamics discussed reflect the facts of "behavioral
inertia" [AoK, Ap5].

"Behavioral inertia" occurs as a 'reflection' of the fact
that 'learning' occurs via the creation of "microscopic
trophic modifications" [AoK, Ap5] to the neural Top-
ology in a way that, via TD E/I-minimization, 'encodes'
the neural activation that actually occurs within a
nervous system.

The "micro-mods" are exactly analogous to "mass" in
Physics, except that they are literally created within, and
by, nervous systems, which is why a synonym for them,
within NDT, is "biological mass".

After they are created, the "micro-mods" guide further
TD E/I-minimization convergence within the neural

The "micro-mods" are physically-real stuff that has
physically-real Existence within nervous systems.

Be-cause of this, behavioral propensities cannot alter
'in a flash'. They cannot be 'wished-away'.

And resort to 'force' =only= strengthens to "biological
mass" against which 'force' is directed.

I've been overall of this, reiteratively, in the past.

Study the dynamics of "rendering useless" in AoK, Ap8.

=Understand=, and resolve to endure, patiently,
while working to establish mutually-inclusive "biological
mass" by instantiating mutually-inclusive experience.

And =don't= 'give-up' when first attempts are "rebuffed".

Such =always= occurs as a simple by-broduct of the
TD E/I-minimization that occurs with respect to pre-
viously-existing "biological mass".

Previously-existing "biological mass" has "behavioral
inertia" that's commensurate with the quantity of prior
experience that's correlated to it.

So give new experience that will establish the "biological
mass" that enables mutually-inclusive behavior.

The process is necessarily one-sided until the mutually-
inclusive "biological mass" is, in fact, created within
others' nervous systems.

Do not be 'misled' by the way that previously-existing
"behavioral inertia" 'seems' not to alter.

It does alter, but it does so in ways that reflect prior

Get it?

Don't strengthen "behavioral inertia" by resorting to
use of 'force' with respect to it.

Instead, resort to Love - Strong and True, born in
understanding of what's going on within nervous

ken [k. p. collins]

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