From: "k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]>
Subject: Re: The Neural 4-Space [was Re: Consciousness]
Date: Saturday, January 03, 2004 12:21 AM
"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]> wrote in message
news:LcgJb.20424$IM3.15967 at
> Hi Wolf.
>> "Wolf Kirchmeir" <wwolfkir at sympatico.can> wrote in message
> news:jbysxveflzcngvpbpna.hqtwta2.pminews at> > On Wed, 31 Dec 2003 15:24:24 GMT, k p Collins wrote:
> > [...]
> [...]
Basically, the Tests of TH that I discussed, in the post
linked-to above, all reduce to one thing - in TH, the
fact that dis-integrating SSW<->UES harmonics
release energy back into their local UES, and this
release of energy alters all observables.
I'll re-post the text of a msg that gives some fun-
background [it was first posted within a larger
context dealing with the "nonlinearity of perspective"
stuff that's referred to in a footnote [jump button]
of AoK, Ap6 [the one that discusses the "telephone
pole", "dump truck", and "merry-go-round" :-], so
the discussion re-posted here is 'incomplete', but
it's sufficient. It contains a Proof that all possible
replicable experimental that can be performed
within physical reality must conform to Tapered
Harmony's position.
I'll leave it at that, so folks can have the stimulation
of looking for the Proof.
But, if, after a few days, folks want the Proof
discussed explicitly, post a msg, and I'll do that.
[Re-reading this former post, tonight, caused me
to realize that I've been 'letting folks down'. I've
been discussing stuff that's Difficult as if folks
are already 'familiar' with it [already able to
comprehend it] - which tends not to work. For
that, I Apologize. [I tend to do this sort of thing
when I've been 'alone' with my work for too-long -
get deep-into-it, and Fail to build the necessary
'bridges' - which, it presently seems, I can do
nothing about. Maybe I'll try doing some offline
stuff for a while - go see a movie, spend some
'time' at a mall, 'pretending' I'm not 'alone' :-]
It's 'hard'. I've just a fixed allotment of $, and
no prospects after that - so I'm trying to 'stretch'-
it, and, because of that, I've not nurtured myself
sufficiently. The $ thing kind of transforms all the
self-nurturing ways that used to work quite well
into 'stressors' [which is something interesting to
experience - big insights into the Travails of folks
who 'exist' at the lower 'boundary' of 'survival' -
I'll have to take the Opportunity to Study this
circumstance] because, well, a penny spent,
'now', is a penny-sooner that the 'point' at which
I'll not be able to continue working [on my
Science] will happen.
[With respect to folk's Travails [as above], earlier
today, I saw a headline on the =Washington Post=
web site:
". Overtime Changes May Come in March"
I couldn't access the Article, but presume that it
refers to the 'legislation' that was snuck-through
[appended, stealthily, to another Bill [I read
about it in The =New York Times= when it
happened, but I was 'offline' when it did [it
was one of the reasons that I came back online,
but I'm only getting around to discussing it, now,
because the =WP= Article's headline reminded
me of it earlier today].
This 'legislation' not only 1. consigns low-pay work-
ers to a form of virtual 'enslavement', but 2. it will
also have a negative-impact upon service-Job
1., because businesses that employ minimum-wage
workers are run in ways that are'merciless' with re-
spect to those employees - because they know that
the employees are 'living' on the edge of survival.
The result will be that businesses will tend to take
=unfair= advantage of their minimum-wage employees.
I'm not saying it well-enough.
The employees will work their 'normal' hours, and
they'll be coersed into working more 'cheap' hours
because they are so on-the-edge-of-survival that
they cannot say "no" for fear of losing their Jobs.
It'll go badly all around - even to the 'point' of
inducing increased work-place violence, because
it will all be experienced as externally-imposed
long-term TD E/I(up) by the employees subjected
to it.
2. because, under the old Law, where employers
had to pay 'time'-and-a-half wages to employees
who work more than 40 hours, employers were
stimulated to hire additional workers to avoid
having to pay the over-'time' rates.
Under the new 'law', employers will be 'stimulated'
to stop hiring these extra workers. [This will occur
as a "release inversion", as is discussed in AoK, Ap4.]
So, overall, the workers with minimum-wage jobs
will get 'hammered', on-the-job stress will augment
which will also have ramifications with respect to
quality of service that's rendered, which - it's
'funny' - will have 'just'-the-opposite effect upon
businesses' Profits - and will make it even more-
difficult for minimum-wage workers to find employ-
It's lose-all-around, and, I expect, this new 'law',
born of 'profit'-seeking Greed, will be Recognized
as Pour-Business-Practice, and be Repealed.
And I hope Folks-of-Conscience will Speed that
Minimum-wage Workers are =already= Hard-
I mean, =look= at the Unequalness that 'powerful
folks are imposing upon the 'powerless'.
It's an Organized-Crime against the Spirit of The
Declaration Of Independence - you know, "We
hold these truths to be self evident, all men are
created equal..."
This new 'law' is a veritible 'declaration of depend-
ence', imposed upon folks who just have no Voice
in Government.
It's a flat-out Denial of the Spirit of America.
Greed run Amok.
Peewwwuuueee, =STINK= !!!
Anyway, here's the re-post of the former discussion
[see if 'you' can discern the Proof]:
From: "KP_PC" <k.p.collins at>
Subject: Re: The Black-Body Power Spectrum [was: Re: 'gravity' [___]]
Date: Saturday, October 11, 2003 3:59 AM
Clarifying discussion below.
"KP_PC" <k.p.collins at> wrote in message
news:Mhrhb.175006$3o3.12934736 at
| These are some of the 'notes' in
| the black body QBasic [tm MS]
| app.
|| Further discussion below.
|| [...]
| | DISCUSSION from tapered
| | Harmony's view ---------------------
| |
| | To see what's in the BB power
| | spectrum, and why it behaves
| | as it does, requires the Compton
| | Refraction QBasic app that
| | I posted in the bionet.neuroscience
| | [b.n] Internet newsgroup during the
| | winter of 2001-2002 [and which I'll
| | re-post in that NG today, along with
| | this app].
|| | What's happening in the BB power
| | spectrum is 'just' the Compton
| | Refraction stuff =in combination= with
| | the NL-P as I've discussed it in b.n in
| | recent weeks.
|| | I wrote this app several years ago, and,
| | today, have 'hacked' and tweaked it.
| | Three steps remain. The first shows the
| | NL-P 'compression' inherent in the BB
| | power spectrum - the 'left-shifting' of the
| | Continuous spectrum's max-power
| | toward the high-frequency 'end' of the
| | spectrum.
|| | This 'left-shifting' is very-important
| | from the perspective of the Classical
| | [Rayleigh-Jeans] view on the BB
| | power spectrum. In the 'left-shifted'
| | 'compression', one is able to literally
| | See the 'infinity' that is pointed to by
| | the R-J approach to the BB power
| | spectrum. That is, the 'left-shifting'
| | occurs as a nonlinear function of
| | TempK, so, if the black body didn't
| | melt-down before TempK was raised
| | beyond a limit that occurs as a function
| | of the material out of which a black
| | body is construct-ed, this 'left-shifting'
| | would proceed to 'infinity'. More on
| | this below.
That is the 'left-shifting' would approach
the high-frequency 'end' of the BB power
spectrum ever-more closely [no matter what
the 'high' frequency was], and that ever-
more-closely-approaching-ness is the in-
finity that J-R predicted.
Get it?
One can literally see the totallity of
Universal-WDB2T in this 'left-shifting'.
One can see what's been referred to as
"the speed if light" in-it, too.
One can see all of "Special Relativity"
and all of "General Relativity" in-it,
All of these 'considerations' are =in=
the way that the 'left-shifting' would
proceed to infinity as TempK was limit-
lessly increased, if the stuff of
which the "black body" is constructed
did not 'melt-down'.
Get it?
The limitless-increase of TempK requires
the limitless-increase of power that was
predicted within the Classical [R-J]
position. It's just not graphed in the
way that R-J imagined it would be.
That is, one can't just 'snap-one's-fingers'
to increase TempK, one has to expend
limitlessly-increasing quantities of energy
if one is to increase TempK without limit.
And, in the 'left-shifting' of the BB
power spectrum's relative maximum, one is,
literally, looking-right-at Universal-
Get it?
All of "Special Relativity" is in-there
because, as TempK is increased, doing so
requires an acceleratingly-increasing
quantity of energy to be expended in
order to 'squeeze' the BB power max by an
ever-decreasing amount toward the 'high-
frequency end' [whatever the high
frequency] of the BB power spectrum.
And =this= is exactly what SR describes.
SR's treating 'the speed of light'
['sol'] as "constant" is in the 'left-
shifting' of the BB power spectrum,
because, if one accounts between the
decreasing amount of 'left-shifting'
and the acceleratingly-increasing
quantity of energy that must be ex-
pended in raising TempK without limit,
one sees, immediately, how the 'left-
shifting' varies as a function of the
quantity of energy that's input.
It's a continuous nonlinear differen-
tial ['equation']. [In which there
exists no such thing as 'time'. Eins-
tein was 'constrained', by pre-exist-
ing 'tradition', to invoke 'time' in
his formulation of SR [it's in the
"c ^ 2" term of "E = Mc ^ 2"], but
'time' is entirely-superfluous, be-
cause the 'left-shifting' of the BB
power max occurs as a a function of
'instantaneous =energy-gradient=.
So, rewrite Einstein's "energy equ-
asion" in terms of what it is - 'just'
E = E1 + E2
where E1 = [energy 'contained' in
any set of SSW<->UES
compression<->expansion harmonics]
and E2 = energy expended in =main-
taining= TempK.
E1 is directly-given in the 'left-
shifting of the BB power-maximum -
as a result of the SSW<->UES harmonics
becoming nonlinearly more-compressed,
overall [see the old discussion, that's
quoted below, including the nonlinear
energy-spreading dynamics that yield
the BB power spectrum's all-frequency
plot [which is displayed by the black-
body and "Compton Refraction QBASIC[tm]
And, since E1 is directly-given, E2
falls right out, with the excess that
is WDB2T constituting a direct measure
of the 'time'-variations that are in
=ALL= of GR is, analogously, right-
there, in the 'left-shifting' of the
BB power maximum, only, in the case
of GR [with respect to what's been
referred to as "gravity"], one has
to take the additional step of cross-
correlating the 'left-shift' as a
function of input energy.
That is, as the 'left-shifting' oc-
curs, more energy is being nonlinearly
'contained' in E1, so, in the classical
sense, "mass" is, literally increasing
Cross-correlate this 'instantaneous'
E1 ['mass'] to 'instantaneous' E2,
and what's been referred to as "gravity"
falls right out. [Here, again, 'instant-
aneous' = energy-gradient, not 'time'].
These dynamics are =continuous=.
All evidence that's been considered to
'substantiate' the 'existences' of
"sub-atomic particles" derives in contin-
uous energy-thresholding dynamics that
occur as a nonlinear function of quant-
ity of energy 'contained within' an
SSW<->UES harmonic and its local UES-
density. [See the discussion of "line
spectra" in the old discussion, quoted
This continuous energy-thresholding
occurs as a function of the "Volume to
surface-area ratio" [V/Ar] of a sphere,
in which a 'constant' quantity of energy
is 'contained' as the sphere undergoes
compression and expansion. It's a simple
[but nonlinear] boundary-pressure flow-
directionality problem. Depending upon
[energy] pressure, inside relative to
outside, of an SSW<->UES harmonic, energy
will either flow into, or out of, the
SSW, and the outward flows yield the
"emission spectra" and the inward flows
yield the "absorption spectra". The non-
linearity inherent derives in the way
that the V/Ar varies nonlinearly, as is
calculated in all of the Physics QBASIC[tm]
apps that I've ever posted here in
bionet.neuroscience, =and= the nonlin-
earity that is inherent in WDB2T, as
it was discussed above [with respect to
the necessary acceleratingly-increasing
quantity of energy that's required to
raise TempK].
Damn! It's Cold in my trailer, tonight.
Wind-chill of 20-30 degrees below zero
F. And I've not taped-up all the cracks
yet :-]
But that's 'just' the same-old, same-old
stuff that I'm discussing in this prelim-
inary addendum to my prior discussion -
it's also 'just' Universal-WDB2T, and
all that I'm discussing, in this prelimin-
ary addendum, is also =in= why it's Cold
in my trailer tonight - all the way down
to the molecular dynamics [and beyond, to
smaller scales - ad infinitum [as above] -
through which both my body and the nervous
system which it hosts, 'know' that "it's
Cold in my trailer" :-]
Get it?
=ALL= of this is right-there, in the
'left-shifting' of the BB power spectrum.
And =all= of this is easily Verified to
be continuous throughout physical real-
ity, be-cause energy 'just' flows in
Deterministic accord with WDB2T.
Can folks see why it's easily Verified
that it's so?
If it were otherwise, any 'where' within
physical reality, then the bounds of
that 'place' would have to be 'comprised'
of stuff other than "energy".
That is, if there is anything within
physical reality that does not behave
in Deterministic accord with WDB2T,
that 'stuff' would have to be other-
than-energy, yet it would 'constrain'
the flow of energy, without any
correlation to WDB2T.
There's the "mother of all discontin-
uities" in-there, be-cause energy has
to flow in a way that 'contradicts' the
way that all available physical evidence
substantiates it does flow.
So the 'constraining' stuff is, =neces-
sarily=, 'beyond' all realms of ob-
servability - it's, =necessarily=,
'outside' of physical reality.
And that's very problematic, be-
cause, that energy 'just' flows,
is right-there in the 'left-shifting'
of the BB power spectrum, as above.
Get it?
| | The BB power spectrum drops-off at
| | high frequencies BE-CAUSE the
| | Compton Refraction dynamics that
| | are inherent [in the SSW<->UES
| | harmonics of which the black body is
| | comprised] are forced, by TempK
| | increments, to experience the NL-P
The "nonlinearity of perspective", AoK,
| | in their Compton Refraction dynamics.
See the "Compton Refraction" QBASIC[tm]
| | That is, as frequency increases, the
| | Compton Refraction dynamics
| | experience a rapidly-augmenting
| | nonlinear variance, and this 'spreads'
| | the high-frequency power back into
| | lower-frequency 'ranges' [nonlinearly].
| | This's is literally Observable in the
| | high-frequency 'compression'
| | discussed above, and is a Standard
| | feature of =all= [forced] vibrating 'sys-
| | tems' having nonlinear restoring forces -
See =Theroy and Problems of Mechanical
Vibrarions=, by W. W. Seto, ISBN: 07-056327-6,
pp. 151ff.
| | which is exactly what the SSW<->UES
| | harmonics are [as I've reiteratively-
| | discussed over the course of the past
| | decade in b.n, and before that, in
| | other online 'places'].
|| | In addition to the primary NL-P, the
| | agumenting of TempK forces
| | convergence upon sub-harmonics
| | which instantiate 2nd-order NL-P's,
| | and which further spread the high-
| | frequency of the black body power
| | spectrum into lower-frequency
| | 'ranges'. These sub-harmonics'
| | NL-P energydynamics are NL-P's
| | within the primary NL-P, and are
| | the physical wellsprings of the line
| | spectra of the elements. Their
| | nonlinear 'spreading| into lower-
| | frequency 'ranges| can literally be
| | Observed in the so-called "spectral
| | series" through which elemental-
| | analysis is carried-out.
> These sub-harmonics arise, Determin-
> istically, out of the SSW<->UES
> harmonics' NL-P 'compression'-'ex-
> pansion' energydynamics be-cause,
> as TempK increases, the primary
> NL-P and the local WDB2T NL-P both
> become proportionately [to the TempK
> increase] more-nonlinear.
>> The result is that, in the high-frequency
> 'portion' of the BB spectrum, where the
> ratio of the 'spherical' 'contained' energy
> volume to its 'spherical' surface-area, with
> accelerating-rapidity [accelerating energy-
> gradient [no] 'time']], tends toward 'infinity',
> the energy 'piles-up' be-cause there's an
> internal ephemerance differential - the
> inner 'shell' in this "nucleation" phase of
> the SSW<->UES harmonics is more-en-
> ergy-dense than is the next-[outer] 'shell'
> [there aren't any actual "shells". I'm just
> using "`shell`" to idealize the Maths - so
> folks can follow and know what region of
> the harmonics I'm talking about] and a
> condition in which it becomes easier for
> energy to move outwardly, rather than
> continuing to nonlinearly-'pile-up', inwardly,
> is instantiated.
>> The energy that is "emitted" as the spectral
> lines results from these NL-P energy-'pile-
> ups', and has frequency that Derives, De-
> terministically, in the 'spherical' Vol/S-A
> ratio [in TH "VAR" - "volume Area Ratio"].
=and= local UES-density, as I added tonight.
> Most of this is calculated in the various
> QBasic apps I've posted over the years.
>> It's most-easily observed in the simplest
> versions of the 'spherical'-Geometry apps,
> which actually show the energy-density
> increase as it derives in the NL-P vari-
> ation of the spherical Geometry.
>> I've not yet explicitly shown in any of these
> apps is the NL-P ephemerance variation
> that's discussed above, cross-correlating
> it to the spectral lines, but I can say, with
> Certainty, that it occurs as above.
>> [I'll see if I have an app that I can 'hack' and
> post so folks can see what's discussed above
> more easily.]
[As of 2004-01-14, I've still not done this,
mainly because, Forgive me, Please, it 'hurts'
too-much to do the apps and get no response -
and it's all right-here, in very-plain English,
anyway :-] [But it's still on my 'dance-card' -
maybe =that= is what 'hurts' - I 'dance' only
with my PC - deficiency of 'heart'-stuff :-]
"Oh well."
> The spectral lines occur as energy-'density'
> wave dynamics. [The] frequency-shifting that
> happens in both the black body power spec-
> trum and line spectra are easily seen to
> Derive, Deterministically, in the NL-P 'com-
> pression'<->'expansion' dynamics inherent
> in the SSW<->UES harmonics.
>> The line spectra for different elements oc-
> cur 'uniquely'-per-element be-cause there is
> a different quantity of energy 'trapped within'
> each of their SSWs. This energy-'trapping'-
> quantity-'parcelization' is also a purely
> wave<->wave energydynamic, and occurs
> as above, except that the NL-P 'piling-up'
> is between the SSW and the UES.
>> Tonight, I'm 'excited' because I can, for the
> first 'time', See how to Calculate this, Exactly,
> for =all= of the isotopes, from the simple
> spherical Geometry. The Calculation is
> Exactly as I've described it above.
>> I'll make it doing it in a QBasic app
> another Winter-'time' project so it'll be
> easier for folks to See.
[As of 2004-01-14, I've still not done this,
either, for the same 'reasons' as above.]
> "My cup runeth over" - NL-P-ly :-]
That's probably the actual Reason - so much
that's so much-more-interesting coming-together,
that I don't want to take 'side-trips' in the
midst of it. [And the other stuff kind of
'clinches' it. "All dressed up, and nowhere
to 'dance'."]
> So much Beauty, with which to 'dance',
> that I've got to write in-between-the-lines
> on my 'dance-card'.
>> Anyway, what's here will Stand for all 'time',
> even as WDB2T continues to unfold - the
> Calcs all 'just' go-with that energy-flow,
> adjusting themselves in Rigorous accord
> with WDB2T.
>> NL-P-ly.
>> kpc [K. P. Collins]
>>| This's also the physical reality that
| underpins the distribution of the
| isotopes that's shown on my web
| site:
As far as I know, this site is, 'currently',
unavailable because I've switched ISPs.
I have a few months left before it 'goes
away' forever.
| That is, the Natural distribution of
| the isotopes Derives in this same
| nonlinear 'spreading' which distrib-
| utes the isotopes in an inter-mingling
| way that literally 'mimmics' the 'spread-
| ing' of the high-frequency black body
| power spectrum into lower-frequency
| 'ranges'.
|| The NL-P imposes this "fractal-like"
| repetitiveness at =all= scales within
| physical reality.
|| All of this is in the "Abundance on Wings"
| plot, which also discloses Why the 'stable'
| natural abundances occur as they do.
| The natural abundances all correspond
| to minimally-'stressed' NL-P's.
That is, its why the natural abundances all
occur in the depths of the 'valley' of the
"Abundance on Wings" plot.
| | The production of these sub-
| | harmonics is also the physical Why
| | which underpins so-called "phase
| | transitions". For instance, as
| | convergence upon sub-harmonics
| | augment [NL-P-ly], the net energy-
| | content of an SSW<->UES harmonic
| | becomes nonlinearly-'partitioned'
|| via the wave<->wave energy
| =thresholding= energydynamics that
| I've discussed over the years.
|| | which Results [through direct Cause
| | of the NL-P energydynamics being
| | discussed], in nonlinearly-increasing
| | 'instability' in the SSW<->UES
| | harmonic's 'capacity' for sharing the
| | UES with neighboring SSW<->UES
| | harmonics - so the 'matter' goes-
| | 'liquid'. This's literally a nonlinear-
| | interaction-energy-deficit condition in
| | which energy is temporarily forced
| | back into the UES, relative to the
| | one-way flow of energy from order to
| | dis-order that is what's =described=
| | by 2nd Thermo [WDB2T] Universal
| | 'instantaneous' Tendency.
I recently discussed "phase transitions"
better in another post here in b.n.
The 3-D energydynamics that occur within
nervous systems, and which correlate to
"changing one's mind" with respect to
this or that experiential stuff, are
literally =exactly= analogous to the
stuff of inanimate "phase transitions" -
only the nervous system stuff requires the
neural Topology as it is discussed in AoK.
| These energydynamics occur within
| the energy<->matter [matter<->energy]
| phase transition 'fringes' of the
| SSW<->UES harmonics'
| 'compression'<->'expansion' dynamics.
|| What's happening is that WDB2T
| augments as TempK augments.
|| The outward flow of energy from the
| SSW<->UES harmonics becomes
| increasingly-greater than the inward
| flow of energy into the SSW<->UES
| harmonics [which inward and outward
| energy-flows, as I've discussed
| over the years, occur as a function of
| the local UES 'pressure'. 'Contain-
| ment' happens be-cause, during some
| creation violence [in the depths of stars,
| etc.], more energy becomes 'trapped'
| within an SSW<->UES harmonic [with-
| in an 'atom'] than can escape through
| the surface-area of the SSW without
| exceeding the local UES-flow rate that
| is WDB2T. 'Containment' happens,
| even though the outward flow exceeds
| the inward flow be-cause the 'containment'
| threshold is way-way-way nonlinear,
| with the UES being way-way-way dom-
| inant.
Why, =exactly=, is as I've added tonight
in the "preliminary" discussion, above.
| "radioactive decay" occurs as a function
| of this inward-outward energy-flow dif-
| ferential, and is accelerating as a function
| of the expansion of the Universe.
And "radioactive decay" occurs as a
Deterministic function of WDB2T. It's
=not= 'random' Folks've thought it was
'random' be-cause folks didn't see the
NL-P continuous energy-flow stuff.
| All these things are what "WDB2T" is.
|| | It's =all= the One Universal energy-
| | dynamic.
|| | The other two steps in this app trace
| | the black body power spectrum, the
| | first of [these[, in a line plot that also
| | shows the high-frequency power-
| | drop-off 'inverted', which gives a
| | 'measure' of the high-frequency
| | 'spreading' of power into lower-
| | frequency 'ranges' that was
| | discussed above.
|| | The last step plots the black body
| | power spectrum as a pseudo
| | SSW<->UES harmonic. Doing
| | this is useful because it presents
| | a visual 'movie| of the NL-P variance
| | that maps directly into the Compton
| | Refraction energydynamics that are
| | rigorously depicted in the other
| | QBasic app that I'm posting in b.n
| | [again] today.
|| The thing to observe in this "circle
| movie" is the high-frequency to low-
| frequency 'volume'-variation differen-
| tial.
|| The high-frequency 'collapse' is
| much-more-'rapid' than the low-fre-
| quency 'balooning'.
|| This depicts the underpinning NL-P
| which is what determines the high-
| frequency spreading of the BB power
| spectrum into lower-frequency 'ranges' -
| and Why it occurs as it does.
|| These dynamics map directly [and
| Rigorously] into the Compton Refraction
| dynamics that are calculated in the other
| QBasic app.
|| What's depicted in this circle plot is the
| way that the energydynamics render the
| Compton Refraction, itself, nonlinear,
| which 'shifts' the energy-thresholding
| dynamics, which distributes the high-
| frequency BB power into lower-freq-
| uency 'ranges', and 'left-shifts' the BB
| power max, continuously, as TempK
| increases.
|| | To See it all requires a melding of
| | the stuff that's presented in =both=
| | apps.
|| Which is what I've discussed above.
|| [...]
|| Another experiment that 'you' =really=
| have to do.
|| When I went over to mow Dad's lawn
| this afternoon, the grass was pretty-high,
| but I had my trusty Honda [tm] Harmony [tm]
| mower that has a hydrostatic transmission
| [I bought it for Dad when I was actually gainfully
| employed]. It has a Hydrostatic [tm?] transmis-
| sion - so I could vary its forward nonlinearly :-]
| when the grass got thick.
|| The NL-P is everywhere.
|| Then, because it was probably the last 'time'
| I'll use it this year, I washed the mower care-
| fully, leaving it running as I did so [so any
| water that splashed into places where it's
| better for water not to go would evaporate -
| WDB2T you know].
|| And that's when the 'experiment' showed
| itself to me.
|| There was water collected in a shallow
| 'well' on the top of the nower-deck. It was
| about 1/4-inch deep. The mower was
| running at full-power, and water-'oscillons'
| formed on it's 'surface'.
|| These water-'oscillons' were =SPECTACULAR=,
| looking like all kinds of 'rigid' geometrical
| shapes.
|| On another area of the mower deck, where
| the water was shallower, [the water] formed
| what looked like a 'sheet' of fractured glass,
| with the 'fractures' being extremely-stable.
This 'portion' of the observables was like a
flat sheet of glass, and the 'fractures'
formed enclosed 'rings', which were, them-
selves multi-faceted, the 'fractures' all
being perpendicular to the surface of the
| What was happening was that the mower's
| vibrations were driving the water nonlinearly,
| which resulted in =Exactly= the same sort of
| nonlinear energy spreading into lower-freq-
| uency 'ranges' that I discussed in the BB
| app's 'notes' [TGLk :-]
The topography of the mower deck surely
played a role in the appearances of the
The mower deck is, itself, variable-curve-
concave, which topography surely added to
the nonlinear-driving of the wave dynamics
that I observed.
| =Do= this experiment. It's =easy= to do, and
| it's Observables are spectacular.
As I discussed in a reply to the discussion
of this "lawn-mower experiment" when it was
originally posted [should be available via
a "Groups" Google[tm]], the water 'oscillons'
formed =many= distinct seemingly-rigid 3-D
geometric shapes. There were pyramids and
3-D rhombuses, with spectacularly-exact
geometry - they literally appeared to have
been cut, as in glass 'crystal', but with
extremely-more exactness - among many more
such shapes. [The 3-D rhombuses so captured
my attention that, I'm sorry to say, I failed
to take notes on the rest of the shapes
in the 'menagery', other than noting their
The water 'oscilons' constitute an easily-
replicated simple instance of physical
dynamics that embody "Information Calculus".
Quoting from AoK, Ap6:
The central principle of Information
Calculus differentiation may be stated
as follows:
The topologically-mapped (point-to-
point) union of a symmetric distrib-
ution and an asymmetric distribution
is everywhere-unique to a degree that
is determined by the degrees of
symmetry and asymmetry that exist
within the symmetric-asymmetric union.
Instances of less-than-perfect symmetry
and asymmetry yield unions that exhibit
diminished point-to-point uniqueness.
Decreasing or increasing either the
degree of symmetry or the degree of
asymmetry incorporated within the union
is analogous to decreasing or increasing
the resolving power of a lens.
End quote.
The spectacular Geometries of the water
'oscillons' literally reflect the above,
=and= the interplay between the SSW<->UES
harmonics comprising the water with the
nonlinear driving-force imposed by the
mower's vibrations - the asymmetric [be-
cause of their inherent NL-P stuff, as it
was discussed above] and symmetric [be-
cause of the overall one-way-ness of WDB2T]
components of this easily-observed physical
instance of InfoCalc.
What was happening was that the combination of
the Compton Refraction stuff of the SSW<->UES
harmonics comprising the water and the mower's
vibrational dynamics with WDB2T's 'dissipation'
is literally Disclosing the UES's "extreme-
fluid" flowing, as the SSW<->UES harmonics
oriented with respect to one another in 3-D
space in a way that, literally, filled in the
gaps in a way that's rigorously in accord with
Because these dynamics derive, purely-mechanically,
in the SSW<->UES harmonics Volume/Surface-area
ratios, and not the specific physical properties
of the hydrogen and oxygen 'atoms' comprising
the water, they are necessarily UNIVERSAL, and
can be replicated with =any= fluid-'state'
SSW<->UES harmonics [although it's necessary to
recreate an experimental apparatus that's func-
tional within the fluid 'states' of the SSWs
that are experimented with. The mower's deck
is aluminium - it won't work with molten iron,
Why it's a UNIVERSAL Proof is that the driving
force is purely-mechanical, but that purely-
mechanical force acts at the 'level' of the
SSW's NL-P variability.
It does so be-cause energy always flows in a
way that maximizes its "ephemerance" [in Tapered
Harmony", it's freedom to move].
So, in this little lawn-mower experiment, energy
'just' flows to fill-in-the-gaps in the assymmetry-
symmetry 'point'-to-'point' union.
Q. E. D.
There's much more in the little lawn-mower ex-
For instance, in the way that it includes SSWs
3-D NL-P energydynamics, it discloses that physical
reality is Deterministic.
That is, the observables =cannot= occur as a
function of 'randomness' because one can't get
to the spectacular 3-D exactness of the water
'oscillons' Geometries via 'randomness'.
If "here" is 'randomness', one "can't get there
from here." :-]
Get it?
There's be no spectacularly-exact 'edges', and 3-D
Geometries, all over the place if there was =any=
'randomness' in-there.
The lawn-mower experiment's observables are =exactly=
analogous to the enormously-more-topologically-detailed
3-D energydynamics through which nervous systems
literally =grasp= the 3-D energydynamics extant
within their experiential external environments.
Which leads to...
Since all available evidence substantiates
that WDB2T permeates physical reality at
all scales,
And, since nervous systems, in addition to
being continuous with physical reality,
perceive physical reality,
Nervous systems' perceptions of physical
reality =must= be in accord with WDB2T
[else nervous systems would not be able
to replicate perception of WDB2T-permeated
physical reality [Think about it :-]]
And, since nervous systems produce all Proofs,
All Proofs, necessarily, conform to what's
been discussed in this post.
Q. E. D.
[I read a correlated discussion in the
January, 2004 issue of =Discover= magazine.
"2003: Mathematicians Face Uncertainty", by
K. Devlin, p. 36.
NDT explains Why it's so [and is probably
why "Mathematicians Face Uncertainty" :-]
Since I originally posted the following
discussion, I've also Verified its position.
[I don't want to discuss it online because
it's too-personal [You know - "Never Waste
data! - I was the 'experimental animal', or,
rather, the observational subject. I'll dis-
cuss it in-person, with Medical Professionals,
if anyone's interested.]
| Have 'you' ever 'wondered', as I have Why
| body temp is so-routinely 98.6. I'm aware that
| 'normal' body temp varies, a bit, but the common-
| place precise replication of "98.6" has always
| 'intrigued' me.
|| Today, I realized that [the NL-P] dynamics that
| I've been discussing here in b.n are Probably
| what underpins evolutionary dynamics' con-
| vergence upon "98.6"-'precision' and "fever"
| energy-dynamics.
|| The 'precise' body temp is, itself, a Dependency
| of Human-Life be-cause(?) it's part of the NL-P
| tuning of the Compton Refraction dynamics
| upon which Human-Life Depends(?).
|| You know - it's not 'just' 'molecules'. It's molecules
| under forced-NL-P-tuning via body temp - as above
| [and in the QBasic apps].
|| The body raises it's temperature
in "fever" dynamics
| be-cause[...]
| doing so taps-into the TempK-driven NL-P
| energydynamics discussed above, and this
| imposes dis-order upon dis-ease agents'
| energydynamics - alters their 'Coulomb force'
| [DNA-RNA] tuning dynamics away from their
| natural tendencies.
|| Which makes me want to explore "nano-heat"
| treatments. Perhaps exothermic pharmaceut-
| icals should be explored? You know - attach
| them to molecular-seeking agents that 'target'
| dis-ease biochemistry - where they'll raise
| TempK, thereby, nonlinearly spreading the
| energydynamics upon which the dis-ease
| agents depend for their viabilities into low-
| er-frequency 'ranges'.
|| You know - "impose dis-order" upon the dis-
| ease agent's molecular-'level' energydynamics,
| and that will render the dis-ease agents non-
| [or less-] functional(?)
Caveat: This'll only work in instances of dis-
ease in which the dis-ease molecular-'level'
3-D energydynamics are TempK-differentiated
from the body's molecular-'level' 3-D energy-
dynamics - but there's 'room' in-there because
the body, itself, does impliment such TempK-
differentiated NL-P stuff within itself.
| It's as a flood today :-]
|| Anyway, Tapered Harmony subsumes
| 'quantum mechanics' - whole - by extend-
| ing theory into a 100% NL-P 'realm' which
| is commensurate with the fact that there is
| nothing within physical reality which is
| actually 'linear' [which is a direct Consequence
| of the nonlinearity inherent in the universal
| energy-flow that is WDB2T].
|| It's the thing that's kept me 'alone'. Since a
| Child, I've been able to do nonlinear differential
| calculations in the ol' noggin' lab [my view is
| that =everyone can, because its what nervous
| systems innately do - but, since a Child, I paid-
| Attention to being able to do it] - and I Saw that,
| because I can, it fell to me to do some stuff -
| which is NDT & TH - which left me with little
| 'time' for 'normal' Living.
|| But I'm hoping that this BB discussion is
| sufficiently-clear to folks that some folks
| will want to meet with me in-person to discuss
| more.
|| That would allow some 'room' in my Life
| for doing 'normal' stuff - which would be
| Welcome.
|| Anyway ^ 2, I told you so - that there was "99%"
| remaining to be Communicated.
|| I'm working on "whittling" that percentage
| down - in case it actually is the case that I'll
| starve to Death - trying to leave enough Truth
| behind, if it comes to that.
|| Oh [yeah] - the kitchen-sink - I purchased a
| 25-foot pipe-'snake' the other day. Today,
| I used it on the sink. I've got it in-there ~17-
| 18 feet, and the drain's still clogged. The
| pipe runs in the wall of my trailer, so, to
| work on the pipes, I've got to tear the wall
| down.
|| I'm thinking I'll just eat sandwhiches on
| paper plates :-]
|| Then, later today, the water main broke on
| the street where I live :-]
|| [I 'detected' it earlier in the 'refusal' of my
| phone line to remain connected - the lines
| are underground - must've gotten soaked-
| through, because the line was way-static-y.
| [I tried to post the HTML version of the Compton
| Refraction app within minutes of posting the
| text version, but couldn't modem-sync [which
| is another easily-observed NL-P thing, BTW :]]
I read a correlated article in 'yesterday's =New
York Times=, "Newly Found State of Matter Could
Yield Insights Into Basic Laws of Nature, by
J. Glanz, p. A19.
The Article discusses work being done at RHIC,
which, it seems to me, is where the best Experi-
mental Physics that's being done on the face of
the planet is, 'presently', being done.
Anyway, this article Confirms [yet again] the
Veracity of Tapered Harmony's reiterqatively-
discussed, and, now, Proven, position.
I don't have a link. It should be on the =NYT=
web site.
If 'you' understand TH's stuff, the Article is
a Genuine-Delight to read.
The RHIC folks are literally exploring the
SSW<->UES harmonics' NL-P stuff.
Good for them.
Good for Humanity, through them!
[Just got 'disconnected', again. Must be
'oscillons' in the switch-works - because
of the TempK-induced UES-density
correlates of the very-Cold-ness where
I 'live'.
NL-P-telephone-networks, you know :-]
K. P. Collins