Leigh's Disease, ATP6, and low DHEA

James Michael Howard jmhoward at arkansas.net
Tue Jan 13 15:31:11 EST 2004

I recently had the opportunity to support a published paper with a new report in
the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A. This support involved
the ATPase6 (ATP6) mitochondrial gene and DHEA. When I was compiling this
support, I had the occasion to search the literature for "ATP6." I happened onto
"Leigh's Disease" and the connection with ATP6. The symptomology so resembled my
understanding of the effects of low DHEA, the timing of low production of DHEA,
and the positive effects of DHEA on the brain and myelin, I decided to
incorporate this material at my page. The connection of low DHEA is remarkable.
I know the various search engines will eventually pick it up and make it
available to people interested in "Leigh's Disease." 

However, as I read various prognoses regarding Leigh's, I decided I should share
this information with anyone who has the time and may be interested. You will
find it as the link " "Androgens," DHEA, Mitochondrial Gene ATP6, and Leigh's
Syndrome," near the top of www.anthropogeny.com/evolution.html . I invite you to
read it if you are inclined. Thank you for your time.

James Michael Howard

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