Was mistaken about the "Human Givens approach"! (was Re: A Theory of Neuropeptides?)

Peter F. effectivespamblock at ozemail.com.au
Tue Jan 13 01:57:54 EST 2004

"Peter F." <effectivespamblock at ozemail.com.au> wrote in message

There is another website www.humangivens.com but I
> am not sure that these people have as much respect for the insidious power
> of CURSES as Janov has (and has been trying to instill in his staff). ]

The Human Givens approach at dealing with depression deliberate ignores the
root (experiential) causes of the condition. It *entirely* focuses on the
possibility of raising hope as an antidote to a depressed person's
"[negative] ruminations". It is VERY DIFFERENT to the balanced and thorough
*deeply self-regulatory* (as in self-regulation facilitating) primal
therapeutic approach, that Arthur Janov (www.primaltherapy.com ) is


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