"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
news:wGsMb.4017$q4.714 at newsread3.news.atl.earthlink.net...
> [...]
> To 'live' without Truth is 'Death', itself.
> [...]
One 'hour', =Lived= in-Truth is worth more than
=any= amount of 'living' in absence-of-Truth.
Think about it, in absence-of-Truth, Living is
In absence-of-Truth, all that's Possible is
'blindly'-automated 'mechanics' - Biological
And 'robotics' cannot 'see-beyond' what's
in its rote-enforced 'mechanics' - so it keeps-
on 'playing the same old song' - over and
over again, 'unable' to see that it's Destroying
everything, including itself.
It's 'blind'. It cannot see WDB2T, and, there-
fore, cannot break-out of it's 'program'.
These are the Costs that absence-of-Truth
And what's Sorrowfully-'hilarious' is that the
ability to 'move toward' Truth has been right-
there, in the Biology, all along, but the 'supposed-
to-be's, handed-down intergenerationally via
'blindly'-automated TD E/I-minimization
"dynamic subordinate coupling" [AoK, Ap5]
"templating", have routinely 'displaced' its
The ability to see Truth, 'tossed-aside' in
favor of 'blind'-automation.
And "Woe! to any who do anything about it".
The 'blind'-automation calls them "enemy",
and then does what's 'supposed-to-be' done
to 'enemies'.
My Life is an Experiment with respect to
the Hypothesis that Humans can, in fact,
Be what's right-there, in-them, to Be.
It's why I 'move toward' Truth, period.
ken [k. p. collins]