How does NeuroPhone work?

Allen L. Barker alb at datafilter.com
Sun Jan 11 09:09:58 EST 2004

Doktor DynaSoar wrote:
> On 9 Jan 2004 14:13:56 -0800, curious11112001 at yahoo.com (Curious)
> wrote:
> } Invented by Patrick Flanagan. It is said to directly stimulate parts
> } of the brain's auditory cortex to produce sound perception. Is this
> } too good to be true?
> } 
> } Thanks in advance.
> It definitely doesn't stimulate the auditory cortex to create sound
> perception. It modulates sound into an FM radio signal. The auditory
> cortex does not process sound, whether modulated into another
> frequency or not. It processes neural impulses.

It can modulate the sound of an FM radio *onto* its ultrasonic signal,
but it does not modulate the sound *into* an FM radio signal.  And
apparently the ultrasonic signal is amplitude modulated rather than
frequency modulated.

See my earlier article in the thread and the links there for much more

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Allen Barker

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