Anomaly Magnetism wrote:
> "Allen L. Barker" <alb at> wrote in message news:<xRMLb.1111$q4.883 at>...
>>>Curious wrote:
>>>>>Invented by Patrick Flanagan. It is said to directly stimulate parts
>>>of the brain's auditory cortex to produce sound perception. Is this
>>>too good to be true?
>>>>The best explanation I've seen is that the device produces ultrasonic
>>waves that travel through the body's tissues (which are mostly water).
>>These waves travel to the inner ear (possibly the saccule) where they
>>can actually be understood.
>> Neurophone sends electricity through the subjects body. How does this
> convert to ultrasonic waves?
Why do you think this is what the neurophone does? What model are you
referring to? Did you read the information from the links I provided?
(Depending on the contact points, direct electrical stimulation to the
skin might also cause acoustical vibrations in some situations; see,
> If it relies on ultrasound, why is it called "neurophone"?
>> A real "neurophone" would would produce sound perception by nerve
> stimulation.
Maybe because "neurophone" is just a *marketing name* that was
coined before it was understood how the device works...
For info on sending voices by direct nerve stimulation, try this 1958
patent to H.K. "Andrija" Puharich, et al., for a tooth implant:,995,633.WKU.&OS=PN/2,995,633&RS=PN/2,995,633
I don't know if it works or not, but I suspect it does. The patent
does talk about "experimental evidence." Whether there really is a
"facial hearing system" is another question to research; the details
and specific nerves are given in the patent. The aforementioned patent
references a 1933 patent (2,045,427) for a "bone conduction hearing
aid" using a piezoelectric "Rochelle salt crystal." So they already
knew about that. The setup would be easy enough to try to replicate
in a scientific laboratory... For more info on the "interesting" life
of Puharich (before his death from a fall down some stairs in Jan.
1995) see these links:
And yes, this means that voice-to-skull tooth implants were doable
back in 1958 (and surely much earlier, also). BTW, one of the patents
referenced in the above patent (2,800,104) is for a remote-controlled
dog obedience device -- basically a remote-controlled shock device
for aversive conditioning.
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