On 'loyalty' [was Re: Brain clues [...]]

k p Collins kpaulc at [----------]earthlink.net
Sun Jan 11 06:39:47 EST 2004

What has been, most-commonly, referred to
as "loyalty" is just folks 'choosing-sides' with r
espect to others who 'live' 'on-top-of' this or
that WDB2T 'hill'.

And 'loyalty' is, therefore, smarmy stuff, be-
cause it =coerces= 'movment away from'
Truth, or =blocks= 'movement toward'

It's of 'value' only with respect to 'dominance'
[and Killing, and massed-Destruction], or, in
innocuous ways, when folks gather to =Play=
a Game.

In all things, what's actually of Value is 'movement
toward' Truth, and 'movement away from' absence-

One is =not= Loyal, when one coerces 'movement
away from' Truth, or blocks 'movement toward'

One who does either of these is, in fact, Disloyal,
because he imposes the Consequences of 'move-
ment away from' Truth, and not 'moving toward'
Truth upon those to whom he is, supposedly,
being 'loyal'.

And Truth is Merciless, doing what it does,

It's all so Simple and Easy.

But, in absence-of-understanding, so 'Difficult'.

K. P. Collins

"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
news:aZ9Mb.3329$i4.1649 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net...
> [...]

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