How does NeuroPhone work?

Anomaly Magnetism curious11112001 at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 10 13:11:47 EST 2004

"Allen L. Barker" <alb at datafilter.com> wrote in message news:<xRMLb.1111$q4.883 at newsread3.news.atl.earthlink.net>...
> Curious wrote:
> > Invented by Patrick Flanagan. It is said to directly stimulate parts
> > of the brain's auditory cortex to produce sound perception. Is this
> > too good to be true?
> The best explanation I've seen is that the device produces ultrasonic
> waves that travel through the body's tissues (which are mostly water).
> These waves travel to the inner ear (possibly the saccule) where they
> can actually be understood.  

Neurophone sends electricity through the subjects body. How does this
convert to ultrasonic waves?

If it relies on ultrasound, why is it called "neurophone"?

A real "neurophone" would would produce sound perception by nerve

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