Physics - 'electrostatics'

k p Collins kpaulc at [----------]earthlink.net
Sat Jan 10 03:04:11 EST 2004

"TODAY/PC  V1.0 (c) 1986 by Patrick Kincaid


Saturday January 10, 2004

Happy Birthday to...
   In 1738 Ethan Allen, Revolutionary War
           fighter (lead the Green Mtn Boys)
   In 1877 Frederick Gardner Cottrell, invented
           the elecrostatic precipitator, used
           for polution control and air ionizers.

On this day...
   In 1776 "Common Sense" by Thomas Paine is

"Electrostatics": "Pertaining to electricity at
rest, such as an electric charge on an object."

After getting this far, I checked my answering

I was going to post some =Fun= stuff with respect
to what's been referred to as "electrostatics",
but I'm tired, and it's cold in my trailer, and
I delayed in checking my answering machine [because
I get mostly 'junk' calls] and missed getting back
to a Kind and Gentle Neighbor, which has left me
feeling like a 'jerk', so I'm just going to go to
bed so that I can 'un-jerk' myself in the morning.

The discussion's too important to give it

My Kind and Gentle Neighbor, moreso.


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