Hi Peter,
"Peter F." <effectivespamblock at ozemail.com.au> wrote in message
news:RPLLb.359$Gf3.14682 at nnrp1.ozemail.com.au...
> When I wrote the paragraph below the word "last" did - for reason of my
> frequent bouts of dysscriptia - replace the intended word "most". Please
> replace accordingly.! :->
>> > BTW, neurons in the amygdala may not be
> > the last holistic neural responders to adverse
> > aspects of our individual environments/life-
> > situations; Neurons that populate the
> > subdominant side of the medial frontal lobes
> > might be?
In this regard, I'm inclined toward orbito-frontal cortex,
and see the possibility that, in Humans, there's been
a transformation from an olfactory focus to an analogous
function, but with respect to 'reading emotionality'.
Primates, and especially Humans, do this the way lower
mamals do olfaction - in a complex, cognitive-'mapping'
way [the discussion of "prefrontal constallations" in AoK,
Ap7 applies here, too].
But this remains just a working hypothesis that remains
undeveloped. I was just getting into it while writing AoK,
and, having still not 'moved-on' from that work, have never
fully-substantiated it. [It's 'funny' - probably wouldn't take
more than a 'day' in the Library to complete this 'point',
but I've just not done it - been spending all my energy
just addressing the fundamentals that are in AoK.]
But, if it's sustained, it would be, along with more-general
prefrontal cortex [via dorsomedial thalamus], as you say
with respect to the amygdala.
This stuff is =important=.
If not for the functionality discussed in AoK, Ap7 [volition],
although the rest of NDT would still be interesting, it'd be
far-less useful - because the main thing is that the 'blind'-
automation of the lower-'level' TD E/I-minimization mech-
anisms can, in fact, be overridden [which is what AoK, Ap7
is all about] - this's where, within NDT's stuff, Hope for
Humanity resides.
Cheers, Peter,
ken [k. p. collins]