Recommendation for Timm Staining and TOAD-64 ICC

NMF neil.fournier at sympatico.ca
Fri Jan 9 23:15:22 EST 2004

Dear Colleagues,

I am interested if any one in this group have experience using Timm staining
for mossy fiber growth.  If so, could you please forward me the protocol
that you typically use.  I am aware that this stain is quite finicky, thus I
would only appreciate comments and responses from those who have actual
experience using this technique in the laboratory setting.

Also I am interested in obtaining TOAD-64 antibodies.  Has anyone here used
these antibodies using ICC techniques?  If so, I would like to know your
opinions for a tentative development of a ICC protocol.  I am specifically
interested in using this as an additional marker for postmitotic, immature
neurons labelling. (i.e. in conjunction with BrdU immunostaining).  Any
suggestion and advice are extremely appreciated.



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