Hi Peter,
"Peter F." <effectivespamblock at ozemail.com.au> wrote in message
news:F5vLb.174$Gf3.6170 at nnrp1.ozemail.com.au...
>> "k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
> news:XgrLb.17581$6B.16797 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net...> <svip>
> > There =is= great promise in pharmacological approaches to
> > intervention with respect to 'abnormal' nervous system func-
> > tion, but, until folks comprehend what's discussed here [and
> > the rest of what's discussed in AoK] folks'll 'only' muck-up
> > 'abnormal' nervous system function, more, by trying to attribute
> > 'discrete portions' to this or that within the globally-'integrated'
> > nervous system functionality to that or this pharmacological
> > substance, as if the functionality is 'embodied-in' the pharma-
> > cological substance itself. For the reasons discussed above,
> > this is =NEVER= the case, so it's Absolutely-Necessary to
> > get, and keep, what's discussed here =straight=.
>> Hi Ken (and whoever else),
>> After half a bottle of 15% proof wine, I take courage to reply as follows:
> There is as you say so that everything hangs together. However some things
> hang together more tightly than others. For instance when someone with
> terminal cancer groans with pain doctors do not administer adrenaline nor
> acetylcholine but usually morphine or some equivalent psychopharmaceutical
> compound.
>> In the same way - and because I have enjoyed thinking in terms of
> evolutionary trends - serotonin
> makes a sea-slug start feeding. In humans low levels of this drug (usually
> environmentally provoked, of course) tends to make the individual more
> to suicide and sad and sour feelings. The opposite of which would be (as I
> see it from above;) something like "self-assured, high rank expecting,
> self-esteem.
>> Deplete dopamine, and we know at least some of the glaring symptoms of
> happens inside.
>> Neuropsychology started as the study of what happens to peoples thinking
> understanding and behaviour when specific parts of their brain got damaged
> in some way. This tells us that when some highly specialized neurons get
> knocked-out, some surprisingly specific symptoms arise.
>> It is fine to preach holism, but piece-mealism also has a place.
>> And the IMO superrior position to take is one that accommodates both just
> like the "encompassing Principle of Tolerance employing philosophical take
> of mine is aimed at doing - with some sEPTic humour thrown-in, in case it
> all would be too hard to take otherwise. %-}
>> Cheers,
> [...]
I'm Sorry, Peter, while I'm grateful that morphine
works, I'm certain that the observables that have
been keyed upon are just a small part of the inform-
ation processing the target receptors are involved in.
It's the same with any pharmacologically-delineated
This said, I don't deny your position.
I'm just 'advocating' with respect to the globally-
integrated view because my experience has
demonstrated to me that folks need to be lifted-up
in an understanding of it.
It's necessary because of the way that folks have
been mucking-up nervous systems' functioning by
flooding them with this or that that can make it
past the blood-brain 'barrier', without understanding
what they're doing.
I'm 'angry' because NDT does what they propose
to do, but don't, yet they've been interfering with
the coming-forward of NDT's understanding.
Which is not only clearly unethical, it constitutes a
virtual attack upon Humanity - in the name of 'profits'.
If anyone else was doing it, I'd try to find a gentler
way, but everyone's so dependent upon 'big money'
for their funding, that, out of concern with respect to
getting ostracized from the funding upon which
everything in their Lives depends, no one else can
speak Forthrightly
So it's fallen to me to set-this-matter-straight.
I am doing that in the only way that's been 'open'
to me.
Cheers, Peter, ken [k. p. collins]