"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
news:XgrLb.17581$6B.16797 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net...
> There =is= great promise in pharmacological approaches to
> intervention with respect to 'abnormal' nervous system func-
> tion, but, until folks comprehend what's discussed here [and
> the rest of what's discussed in AoK] folks'll 'only' muck-up
> 'abnormal' nervous system function, more, by trying to attribute
> 'discrete portions' to this or that within the globally-'integrated'
> nervous system functionality to that or this pharmacological
> substance, as if the functionality is 'embodied-in' the pharma-
> cological substance itself. For the reasons discussed above,
> this is =NEVER= the case, so it's Absolutely-Necessary to
> get, and keep, what's discussed here =straight=.
Hi Ken (and whoever else),
After half a bottle of 15% proof wine, I take courage to reply as follows:
There is as you say so that everything hangs together. However some things
hang together more tightly than others. For instance when someone with
terminal cancer groans with pain doctors do not administer adrenaline nor
acetylcholine but usually morphine or some equivalent psychopharmaceutical
In the same way - and because I have enjoyed thinking in terms of tenacious
evolutionary trends - serotonin
makes a sea-slug start feeding. In humans low levels of this drug (usually
environmentally provoked, of course) tends to make the individual more prone
to suicide and sad and sour feelings. The opposite of which would be (as I
see it from above;) something like "self-assured, high rank expecting,
Deplete dopamine, and we know at least some of the glaring symptoms of what
happens inside.
Neuropsychology started as the study of what happens to peoples thinking
understanding and behaviour when specific parts of their brain got damaged
in some way. This tells us that when some highly specialized neurons get
knocked-out, some surprisingly specific symptoms arise.
It is fine to preach holism, but piece-mealism also has a place.
And the IMO superrior position to take is one that accommodates both just
like the "encompassing Principle of Tolerance employing philosophical take
of mine is aimed at doing - with some sEPTic humour thrown-in, in case it
all would be too hard to take otherwise. %-}
>> >
> > > None.
> > >
> > > But it does 'push folks away from' understanding the
> > > globally-integrated information-processing dynamics.
> > >
> > > [In my prior post, I was replying to the previous post
> > > with specific respect to the hypothesis that peptides
> > > sort of 'store information-overload',
> >
> > I, in my post, tried to at least touch on the fact that
> > *they do*; and that they do by pre and post synaptic
> > "gating" of amygdala originating axons WHEN these signal
> > alerts about some "selectiv Hibernation imploring type"
> > adverse aspect of the individuals current, OR some such
> > PAST (no longer environmentally caused) life-situation.
>> They are as 'characters' in a 'sentence'.
>> What's actually going-on is defined in the overall 'context'
> of the 'sentence', which is =always= TD E/I-minimization
> which is directionally-ordered with respect to nervous
> systems' "internal frames of references" [IFRs] - "the
> special topological homeomorphism of central nervous
> systems", as it is discussed in AoK.
>> Noting that this or that is "gated" says nothing, unless
> the global 3-D energydynamics which imbue it with
> meaning with respect to TD E/I-minimization within the
> IFR is simultaneously described.
>> A specific "gating" 'event' can be anything, depending
> upon the rest of what's going-on all around it.
>> There's =always= "ramp architecture" [AoK, Ap3, 5,
> 6, & 7] involved. Opponent processes are =always=
> activated relative to each other - like flexor and extensor
> musculature - like the "sympathetic" and "parasympathetic"
> autonomic 'nervous system' divisions, etc.
>> To discern functionality at pharmacologically-delineated
> 'levels', one has to see the the relative-activation stuff, and
> doing that necessitates recourse to the globally-integrated
> 3-D energydynamics.
>> One cannot say =anything= about any pharmacologically-
> delineated partial-'system' without recourse to the globally-
> integrated stuff.
>> This's =WHY= NDT emphasizes "TD E/I-minimization".
>> TD E/I-minimization is the unifying-ever-present stuff
> through which global-integration is actualized.
>> All of this stuff has been in AoK all along, but it's, apparently,
> 'not communicated' sufficiently - mostly because it was derived
> in my unique(?) experience, back in the "Terrible Times", when
> I required myself to work single-mindedly with respect to
> 'going into the jungle, finding it, and dragging it out, to Give to
> my Brothers and Sisters in Humanity - because I just saw that
> it had to be in-there, and that it had to be rendered Visible,
> and comprehensible - if Humanity is to Survive.
>> You know, the stuff of my so-called 'delusions of grandeur' :-]
>> It's not anything of the kind. It's just that my early experience
> allowed me to see that there was 'something' really-important
> that was 'missing' within Human interactive dynamics, and my
> early experience also imbued me with a 'fierceness' with re-
> spect to doing what needs to be done - "no excuses".
>> So I did it.
>> The 'problem' is that folks' being able to comprehend this stuff
> is dependent upon some semblance of experiencing what's in
> my experience.
>> So, I've 'rambled' for this decade, working to 'paint that picture'
> so that folks could experience it's stuff, in a, hopefully, Gentle-
> enough way.
>> So, please Forgive me if I continue in that way :-]
>> While discussing the Neuroscience, I also have to give folks
> that semblance of my experience - so that the need for doing
> the work, inherent, can also be seen.
>> [This said, yes, I do understand, and have all along, that,
> when individuals 'stumble-upon' this or that that I post,
> in relative 'isolation' [sans the overall context], they'll tend
> to be 'put-off'.
>> It's 'Hard', but there's nothing that I can do about it.
>> I write for folks who've been following the discussion all
> along. It's them to whom I've been giving my experience.
>> And you are one of these folks, Peter.
>> I receive your 'cautions' with long-growing fondness.
>> Thank You.
>> ken [k. p. collins]
>> >
> > Adversity detecting amygdala neurons certainly play
> > a significant and central role but they are not the only
> > actors in need of occasional (or chronic - whence a
> > SHITS have been stored as CURSES) moderation by
> > self-regulatory inhibitory feedback.
> >
> > P