k p Collins <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote:
>> The computer 'consolidation' ["reorganization"] process occurs in a
>> non-information-content-relevant way that's analogous to the informa-
>> tion-content relevant way that whole-experiential-total 'consolidation'
>> occurs within nervous systems during sleep.
and then he commented on his own text:
> One does a crude version of this stuff whenever one "defragments" the
> hard disk on one's computer. [I always do defrags in a stand-alone way
> [while not, otherwise, using my computer], because I like to think about
> what my computer is doing in this 'sleep state' :-]
Ken, I kind of like this analogy. It is not an exact approximation of
memory reorganization during sleep, but it is good enough to be used in
teaching ...
> BTW, any 'AI' system =must= have an analogue of "sleep" - for the
> reasons discussed above. Doing it 'in the background' unacceptably
> degrades 'foreground' processing in a real-AI thing.
So you mean that the brain can never express its full computing
capability during waking, if it had to do its housekeeping in the
background at the same time, so we have to have a sleep state for that?
If you were able to write more clearly, people might like that
hypothesis of sleep function. After all, we had to put language in one
hemisphere and spatial imaginery in the other to get both properly done.
Not that I believe that sleep is for only one purpose.
Dag Stenberg