Percentage of brain used for conciousness?

Eray Ozkural exa erayo at bilkent.edu.tr
Thu Jan 8 07:22:13 EST 2004

guyscarsbrook at hotmail.com (Guy Lux) wrote in message news:<d015decb.0401070729.654abb0d at posting.google.com>...
> Reading that the brain makes 100 trillion calculations per second
> (relaxed state or at peak?) and that a new Linux supercomputer will be
> able to make 11.1 trillion calcs a second, could anyone hasard a guess
> as to what percentage of the brain's 100 trillion calculations are
> used for pure conciousness as opposed to movement, sensitivity and
> some of the more basic functions like breathing and heart control?

Excuse me, how did you measure 100 trillion calculations per second?
What is the unit of calculation? Integer addition, multiplication?
Evaluating an activation function?

I suspect it is less than the computing power of a 10^4 node
supercomputer, but it may well exceed the computing power of 10 to 100
processors. With regards to memory, I think it may be at the order of
a petabyte or more. (These figures from what I remember of a
back-of-the-envelope calculation, so don't expect them to be wildly
accurate :) )


Eray Ozkural

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