Percentage of brain used for conciousness?

k p Collins kpaulc at [----------]earthlink.net
Thu Jan 8 05:12:54 EST 2004

Is there a place to which I can come to address your questions

K. P. Collins

"Guy Lux" <guyscarsbrook at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:d015decb.0401070729.654abb0d at posting.google.com...
> Reading that the brain makes 100 trillion calculations per second
> (relaxed state or at peak?) and that a new Linux supercomputer will be
> able to make 11.1 trillion calcs a second, could anyone hasard a guess
> as to what percentage of the brain's 100 trillion calculations are
> used for pure conciousness as opposed to movement, sensitivity and
> some of the more basic functions like breathing and heart control?
> If 11.1% or less is used for consciousness, why could this new
> computer not become consious?
> And would a healthy, developed, conscious part" of the brain be
> considered a conscious entity, if it had never had any sensory input.
> What sort of input would a brain/supercomputer need in order to become
> conscious?
> Sorry, I have this sort of question from time to time.....
> Thanks
> Guy

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