Brain clues to attention disorder

k p Collins kpaulc at [----------]earthlink.net
Wed Jan 7 05:19:15 EST 2004

If anytone's 'interested', I am =not= 'oblivious' to the
possibility that folks've actually read, and comprehended,
the stuff I've discussed.

All I know, with Certainty, is that most folks have 'moved
away from' any public acknowledgement of NDT's stuff.
[To those who've made necessary my use of "most", above,
you have been, are, and will remain, in my 'heart'. Thank You.]

But, because I "Guard Free Will", I Choose a 'path' that
does exactly that.

I cannot just 'imagine' stuff, that folks who do not want to
say what they're doing, are doing. [Well, I can, but I 'cannot'
take action with respect to such.]

If folks do not become involved, in the end, all I can do is
take that at its face-value.

To do otherwise would be Failing with respect to the Need
to Guard Free Will.

This said, yes, I do, routinely, apply, hopefully, gentle-enough,

This, be-cause there's a =lot= of Free Will that Needs Guarding.

The Innocents out number those who've had opportunity to
Choose by orders of magnitude.

So I can't just 'give-up'.

I'm Obligated to work-at-it.

The other thing is that I understand that redefining what it is to be
Human constitutes some non-trivial Work. And, since that Work
has to occur across nervous systems, I've got to 'wait' for nervous
systems other than my own to do the Work that can only be done
within =their= nervous systems.

You know?

So I'm not 'oblivious' to possibilities.

It's just that Free Will =must= be Guarded.


ken [k. p. collins]

"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
news:PpQKb.13427$6B.10391 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net...
> I received the earlier copy of your post.
> ken
> <orkeltatte at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:84da9680.0401070004.56649c0e at posting.google.com...
> > [...]

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