<orkeltatte at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:84da9680.0401070003.321a77e0 at posting.google.com...
> "John H." <johnh at faraway.> wrote in message
news:<3ffabdb8 at dnews.tpgi.com.au>...
> but now gaining acceptance. These are off the top
> >
> >
> > I apologise for the tone of my previous post. One of my hobby horses is
> > strongly attacking those who in any way to seek to institutionalise the
> > search for truth and understanding. Perhaps I misunderstood you, you
> > going after KP Collins. Let me assure you, he is completely immune to
> > criticism, he will always stand on what he posts, and I can't recall an
> > instance where he has demonstrated a change of position, an evolution of
> > thinking. He does tend to be rather annoying in that regard so perhaps
> > were falling prey to the same frustration that I have previously
> > with him. My advice is don't bother, Ken will never change. Ironically
he is
> > an excellent example of the point I am making here. As you are a
> > psychiatrist, please advise on the same. Ken displays 3 distinct
> > characteristics:
> >
> > hypergraphia
> > delusions of grandeur
> > religiousity
> >
> > I have an idea about that but would appreciate the input of a specialist
> > this matter.
>> I rarely expresses a professional opinion on people I have not
> examined personally, but I have read a posting from Ken that could
> indicate a stroke of grandeur ("Finally, I realized that it was just
> too far ahead of the field.")
> [...]
That was referring back to more than two decades ago, and it's
just Truth [that anyone can verify for themselves, BTW. All one
has to do is cross-correlate the stuff I was sending out decades
ago with the current 'state' of the Literature].
So, within a discussion, you've done that which you've 'decried'
in the discussion :-]
[Jump to a conclusion that is not founded in Truth,
but which does correspond to your own presumptions - which I
exactly what I was referring to as "Ridicule".]
K. P. Collins