Shingles Virus Infection - Scary!

Paranormal shock-trauma at excite.com
Tue Jan 6 15:37:15 EST 2004

Shingles virus infects neurons in the motor area of the upper spinal
cord (in the neck level). This sadistic virus kills those neurons by
relaxing them to complete inactivity!
Symptoms are:
1. Catatonic motor paralysis marked by inabiliy to move or speak
(terrifying; resembles sleep paralysis); paralysis is neither flaccid
nor spastic. The patient's muscle remain in the same position they
were before the onset of paralysis. All voluntary muscles are
paralyzed; therefore, the victim cannot move or vocalize. Reflexes
involving voluntary muscles are also ceased. Infliction of pain does
not make subject scream or pull away from source of pain. Breathing
and other autonomic functions are unaffected.

The paralysis caused by shingles is paroxymsal.

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