"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message news:<L5vKb.11681$6B.9665 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net>...
> <orkeltatte at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:84da9680.0401060058.4c553ea7 at posting.google.com...> > "John H." <johnh at faraway.> wrote in message
> news:<3ff1764d at dnews.tpgi.com.au>...
> > > Oh yeah, scientific journals are the wellspring of new ideas ...
> > >
> > > Oh yeah, let's get to the p <.05, that settles everything ... .
> > >
> > > My god, if were that easy to get a new idea published.
> > > Please read some history of science.
> > >
> > > John H.
> >
> > I suppose John H has come up with a better way to scientifically
> > validate findings to be firm and solid ( at least until someone proves
> > them wrong)
> > Mayby I am just an ignorant , but as far as I know we do not have a
> > better way than the proper standarized scientifically methods of
> > evaluation . Please enlight me, or better still , prove me wrong!
> >
> > Orkeltatte
>> Truly-New ideas are universally 'trashed', simply be-cause nervous
> systems, having long experience with other-than-correlated-to-the-
> New stuff, literally cannot think the New stuff's thought.
>> Truly-New ideas are 'laughed-at'. They aren't even given any
> consideration. They're subjected to Ridicule.
>> And it's all very-Serious - because, to grasp the Newness requires
> one to abandon the 'safety' of the old-long-since 'familiar' stuff.
>> So, to the one who's done the work to wrestle Newness into
> Being, the 'Ridicule' is as a Deadly-Weapon.
>> Hell, I've been working 32+ 'years' in Neuroscience and 45+
> 'years' in Physics, and 'because' my work is Truly-'New', I've
> yet to receive any substantive Criticism of my work - but I have
> received the other stuff, overflowing.
>> John speaks up with respect to the general case, and what does he
> receive from you?
>> Nothing but 'Ridicule'.
>> I rest my case.
>> K. P. Collins
Formulating new ideas and theories, hypothesis, are maybe the most
respectful and difficult of operations. Nevertheless , hypothesis are
just that, however intriquing , until tested ,proving their validity.
If you find this position being a ridicule , then it seems you do not
have much confidence in your "new" ideas. That could be a shame,
certainly if your work has substance and could benefit mankind.