Axon collaterals ?

k p Collins kpaulc at [----------]earthlink.net
Tue Jan 6 04:01:11 EST 2004

"Matthew Kirkcaldie" <Matthew.Kirkcaldie at removethis.newcastle.edu.au> wrote
in message
news:Matthew.Kirkcaldie-DD45E8.19201206012004 at seagoon.newcastle.edu.au...
> In article <V3tKb.11614$6B.1137 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net>,
>  "k p  Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote:
> > AoK is an old hypertext doc ["On the Automation of Knowing
> > Within Central Nervous Systems, A Brief Introduction to
> > Neuroscientific Duality Theory"] that I send to folks, gratis, if
> > they want it. [Runs under MSDOS[tm] & Windows[tm].]
> Oh - well, I don't have that, nor do I run MS-DOS or Windows.  That's
> the first time I have ever seen the abbreviation "AoK" explained, too.
> I think you may wish to outline some of your premises if you want
> meaningful discussion with others.

That's what AoK is :-]

If I can receive 'promises' from folks in Neuroscience that they
will help Assure that it will, in fact, be reviewed, I'll write, and
submit, another summary article.

A long 'time' ago, I just grew 'tired' of mail room Clerks acting
as 'reviewers', and, so, came here to b.n to beg folks assistance
in getting an article actually Reviewed - you know - with actual
Reviewers' comments, upon which the Reviewers will stand,

[This because, although I don't actually expect the article to
be Published, I will be able to, at least, have the Reviewer's
Comments as something with which to demonstrate Truth.

To date, there has been =zero= stuff, like this, with which to

So I can't 'hold anything up' in the light of day to Demonstrate
its invalidity.

I expect I'll have to do a lot of this before folks'll get-it.

But how can I begin this work that remains needing doing if
everyone just 'moves away from', without ever having done
anything that I can act upon?

I'm not asking anyone to 'take NDT's side'.

All I'm asking for is that my work actually be Reviewed.

With Comments with respect to which Reviewers will take
Public stands.

The absence of all such is an unacceptable Offense against
all that Science stands for.

And I'm Determined to Rescue Science from 'science'.]

This said, I'm actually just a decent-enough guy, Matthew.

This seemingly-extreme 'pushiness' is just what's been
born in my experience.

It it too much to expect that folks in Neuroscience will
uphold the Review process?

ken [k. p. collins]

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