"Mark Zarella" <zarellam at twcnyremove.rr.comspam> wrote in message
news:8oqdneYXrYQ9MWWi4p2dnA at giganews.com...
> > Thank you! Sigh, more reading.
> >
> > For others following the discussion, the other incredible thing in the
> > retina is that signalling is done by switching OFF the stream of
> > transmitter coming from the rods and the cones. So a detectable burst
> > of light produces a temporary stop in the outflow of glutamate, and this
> > pause in secretion is what we actually detect as the basis for visual
> > stimuli!
> >
> > Show you how quickly the glial cells scavenge the glutamate from the
> > cleft - and why vision is actually the slowest of the senses in terms of
> > the briefest detectable stimulus.
>> And probably why the receptors are the most metabolically demanding.
>>A broadly philosophically oriented comment [made from the same mold as K.P.
Collins's unifying understanding - an understanding that is unfortunately
being obscured/discredited/sullied by certain naively neurotic ideational
contents of his own communications] that calls for being made in view of
this interesting thought-provoking observation, is:
Living creatures [elaborately energy-moderating, self-replicating, locally
entropy decreasing/resisting entities of a cellular and multi-cellular form)
can also be characterized as 'consisting of', or be seen to involve,
intricate functures (for functional structures] that selectively and
adaptively block/stall/postpone cellular and inter-cellular instances of the
universal tendency towards increased entropy.