neuromarketing, and technology to "manage individuals"

Allen L. Barker alb at datafilter.com
Thu Jan 1 22:01:58 EST 2004


Commercial Alert Asks Emory University to Halt
Neuromarketing Experiments


What is neuromarketing?


What is neuromarketing?


The theory behind the use of the ZMET is that metaphor elicitation can
tap into the real driving forces behind consumer choices. These choices
are often unconscious and therefore difficult to extract through
traditional market research methods, like focus groups and surveys.
And since metaphors are so common in our day-to-day communication for
representing how we think and feel, they’re logical for participants
to grasp.



Commercial Alert Asks Feds to Investigate Neuromarketing Research at
Emory University


Nader group slams Emory for brain research


Title: Less-Lethal Technologies, Fiscal Year 2004


With this solicitation, NIJ seeks proposals for less-lethal technologies
that will provide criminal justice agencies and other public safety
agencies with new capabilities to manage individuals, crowds, and
high-speed vehicles.



Mind Control: TT&P ==> http://www.datafilter.com/mc
Home page: http://www.datafilter.com/alb
Allen Barker

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