Measles (encephalitis) virus infects cells of walls of cappilaries
supplying the brain. The virus does not kill those cells but irritates
them to cancer by violently scrathing and itching them!
The symptoms are:
1. Intense dull "creepy" ache in the upper back of the head (usually
worse on left)
2. Inability to move or speak (marked by catatonic paralysis)
3. Stereophonic unilateral auditory misperceptions (altered hearing,
deafness, tinnitus [perception of a CRT-like high-pitched sine-wave
tone], and auditory hallucination that differ in one ear from the
other ear)
4. Impaired balance; loss of balance; hallucinations involving sense
of balance (including vertigo); extreme dizziness
5. A fever of 109 F
6. Involuntary movements and vocalizations (aka convulsions)
7. Altered level of awareness; Loss of awareness
8. Dramatically shortened sense of time ("time flys!")
9. Creepy sense of anger that loses control
10. Memory loss; false memories; altered memories
11. Frightening symptoms of sleep paralysis set in
12. Coma
13. Death from flaccid paralysis of cardiac muscles
Shingles virus infects neurons in the motor area of the upper spinal
cord (in the neck level). This sadistic virus kills those neurons!
Symptoms are:
1. Catatonic paralysis marked by inabiliy to move or speak
(terrifying; resembles sleep paralysis)
Rabies virus infects cerebral neurons. It kills them by brutally
kicking their gut nuclei! Symptoms are similar to measles except they
are much more sudden, intense, and short-lasting!
Symptoms of skull-crack on top-back of head:
1. Shooting pain in the top-back of head; crack can be heard and felt
by subject
2. Spurting of bright red blood from crack
3. Loss of awarness; subject behaves as if in a normal mental state,
however, its mind remains blank
If pressure from object that caused skull-crack rupture into the soft
brain, then:
4. Loss of soul (i.e. subject remains alive and in normal mental
state, however, its does not notice its own life)
Symptoms of Portugueuse Man-of-War stings:
1. Sharp localized pain that diffuses
2. Sudden "flash" onset of intense flaccid paralysis (marked by
collapse; inability to move or vocalize)
3. Cold, pale, moist skin
4. Pain increases dramatically when subject mentally "tries" to move
(much like REM sleep paralysis)
5. Sudden, complete, equal bileratal deafness
6. Equal bilateral visual hallucinations
Symptoms of soft-bodied jellyfish stings (i.e. those other than Box
Jellyfish, and Portugueuse Man-of-War):
1. Dull itching intense pain diffult to locate
2. Sudden onset of catatonic paralysis without collapse (resembles REM
sleep paralysis; marked by inability to move or localize)
3. Hot, blue (cyanosed), dry skin.
4. Clonic convulsions (marked by slow, deep, and long involuntary
movements and vocalizations)
5. Sudden multidirectional (affect one ear differently than the other;
loss of auditory orientation of direction; artifacts are different in
different directions that sound is perceives [falsely or not]),
auditory mis-perceptions (alteration, deafness, hallucinations)
6. Visual hallucinations differing depending on direction.
Visual migraine affects the lens of the left eye. The blood vessels
supplying the lens constrict suddenly and completely. This starves the
lens of necessary proteins it can only recieve from the blood
(hemoglobin included). Symptoms are:
1. Visual distortion; 2-D images appear 3-D; visual hallucinations
2. Loss of image perception
3. Loss of color perception
4. Intense aching pain in that lens due to protein starvation
5. Sudden and complete blindess; subject cannot tell even dark or
light!; the description is usualy "seeing nothing at all", no light,
no darkness. Just totaly blank. Wierd feeling!
Narrow-angle glaucoma puts sudden and intense pressure on the lens of
the left eye. Symptoms are:
1. Similar to visual migraine except much faster, stronger, and
Cochlear cyanosis is cause by deoxygenated fresh blood (and
"deoxyhemoglobin") flowing through the widened cappilaries supplying
the hair cells in the organ of corti in the left cochlea. Symptoms
1. Sudden and complete deafness in the left ear; perception of an
CRT-like high-pitched sine-wave tone in the left ear
2. Sudden, intense aching at the site of disease
Cold viruses infect the cells of the walls of cappilaries supplying
the hair cells in the organ of corti of the left cochlea. The viruses
do not kill those cells but transform them into a cancerous state.
Symptoms are:
1. Similar to cochlear cyanosis; aching is more persistant
2. Other symptoms are a fever of 109 F at the site of infection
Flu virus infect the hair cells of the organ of corti of the left
cochlea. Flu virus does not kill those cells but transforms them into
a cancerous state. Symptoms are similar to the "cochlear cold" except
that the deafness is more immediate.
Allergenic acoustic neuritis is caused by allergies. The allergenic
particles irritate the acoustic nerve in the left inner ear. Symptoms
are similar to cochlear cyanosis except the deafness is more
immediate, the "sine-wave" is perceived more strongly, and the aching
is at the site of the diseased acoustic nerve.
Auditory bone injuries result in crack(s) in the bone covering the
auditory nerve. Symptoms are similar to allergenic acoustic neuritis
except the pain is sharp and mild rather than dull and intense.
Acoustic trauma can result from sudden exposure of the hair cells in
the organ of corti in the left cochlea to sine-waves at a frequency
higher than 40,000 Hz and an intensity louder than 140 dB. Symptoms
are similar to cochlear cyanosis except the complete deafness and
"sine-wave tinnitus" is more immediate, and the pain is much stronger
and with both sharp and dull pain. Pain, once again, occurs at the
site of injury in the left cochlea. This pain can cause shock.
Methanol blinds the left eye by paralyzing the cells that make up its
"Dim light disease" is a misperception that results from abnormality
within the visual cortex of the brain. Symptoms (equal and bilateral)
1. False perception of dimness of light; normally bright light (e.g.
the sun) is peceived as MUCH dimmer. The day sky at 12:00 noon can
appears as bright as a 4-watt night-lamp would appear to the normal
2. Ability to perceive color and images with greater clarity as light
dims; colors and images can are best perceived in the absense of
light. The brighter than light the less clear images are colors are
Pretty terrifying disease!!! Especially the dimness!!!!!!!
Sine-wave reverse perception disease is a defect in the left cochlea.
Given an acoustic sine-wave tone whose speed of travel is constant:
1. The subject perceives the sine-wave tone increasing in pitch when
its wavelength increases
2. The subject perceives the sine-wave tone increasing in pitch when
its frequency decreases
3. The subject perceived the sine-wave tone increasing in loudness
when its amount of decibels decreases
Applying green coca paste on the skin or mucous membranes causes
rapid, gradual local anesthesia. This is due to relaxation of sensory
receptors in affected area.
Green Curare is sour.
Morphine is sweet.
Glucose neurotoxicity occurs when the CNS receives too much glucose.
Symptoms are:
1. Convulsions marked by slow long involunatary movements and
2. Loss of ability to move and localize
3. Loss of awareness [i.e. blank mind]; consciousness unaffected
4. Sudden, total, bilateral deafness; "sine-wave" tinnitus
5. Loss of memory; Alterations of memories; False memories