a morale question in scientific community

Peter F. effectivespamblock at ozemail.com.au
Sat Feb 28 22:34:55 EST 2004

The replied to post's content made me metaphorize (manipulate our minds) as

Contemplate that astronomical "black holes" zap energy almost 100% out of
existence (or at least suck it out of bounds - beyond the Schwartzschild
radius/event horizon).......

Now, after a while of doing as I suggested --- does it not appear natural to
think of the gist of the original post (and of this short but sharp thread
;) as being about what is generally to be expected from ASS_holes?


To hapless perusers of this post:

ASS (not just another name for brain or nervous system) can stand for
Actention Selecting System.

And, I have presumed a modicum of EPT understanding of the AEVASIVE
aspect of our evolutionary origin and functional/behavioual
characteristics -- hence, of the ways that many a professional
academic/scientist can be expected to handle their past personal SHITS come
current CURSES (not just in the course of their carreers).

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