Touch receptors

BilZ0r BilZ0r at TAKETHISOUThotmail.com
Fri Feb 27 16:46:58 EST 2004

r norman <rsn_ at _comcast.net> wrote in 
news:mb5v30tvir2300fh447smb26mctc91ijo9 at 4ax.com:

> The pacinian corpuscle modifies the mechanical transmission of forces
> and movements through the skin to the surface membrane of the sensory
> axon.  There is no synapse there. However, at other sense organs where
> the receptor is distinct from the sensory neuron (taste buds, hair
> cells in the ear, etc) there is a definite synapse between the two
> cells.

Well they talk about, chemical and electrial synapse... You could call it a 
mechanical synapse?

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