Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the organizers I would like to invite you to a workshop
entitled "Multidimensional data presentation techniques" which will take
place on April 4 from 12:30 to 4:30 just before the opening of the Focus
on Microscopy 2004 Conference in Philadelphia. - workshop web page - FOM2004 web page
This workshop will include an interactive tutorial on the use of a
variety of techniques for multidimensional microscopy data presentation.
Many advanced visualization packages for microscopists are commercially
available. Similarly, plenty of applications for video processing and
presentations can be found on the market. However, transforming complex
data sets into the actual presentation for use in lectures or in web
sites is not as easy as it seems. There are a variety of
tricks-of-the-trade, useful suggestions, and some very nice inexpensive
or free software available. We would like to share our experiences and
tell you about them!
You will learn how to present static 2D images as well as 3D datasets in
the most efficient way. We will show you how to produce short animations
using data from confocal/MP systems in highly compressed MPEG4-based
formats. You will receive a handout and CD-ROM containing key materials
presented in the workshop as well as a significant number of really
valuable free utility software packages.
We will demonstrate:
* How to compress microscopy data. What are the pros and cons of
compression? Does it affect final results? What about lossy and lossless
* How you should present your 3D data. How to prepare 3D image
reconstruction? How to create anaglyphs? How to protect the data in an
anaglyph when you compress it? How to make a movie anaglyph/animation?
* How to create an animation from a 3D construction.
* How to create movies that are playable in PowerPoint, on web pages, or
with other media.
* How to understand codecs and their associated problems.
* How to edit animations/movies using high-speed command line processing.
* How to you add your name, logo of your institution, or other info into
the movie.
* How to deal with sound overlays.
* How to reproduce a movie-making process. You will learn simple command
line macros that are really fast!
If you are registered for the workshop, please take some time to take
our pre-workshop survey. Your participation will help us greatly with
the workshop preparation. We would like to know about your expectations,
your level of experience in multimedia multidimensional data
presentation techniques, and the issues you consider to be important.
The link to the survey is present on the workshop web page.
Bartek Rajwa
rajwa at
Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories
The organizers of the workshop gratefully acknowledge the assistance of
Media Cybernetics Corporation, the producer of Image-Pro Plus - an image
analysis software package for fluorescence imaging, quality assurance,
materials imaging, and various other scientific, medical, and industrial