Objective Reality

k p Collins kpaulc at [----------]earthlink.net
Fri Feb 27 11:32:01 EST 2004

"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
news:uCT_b.20532$hm4.13425 at newsread3.news.atl.earthlink.net...
> [...]

If folks look, they'll see that behavioral
dynamics, here in b.n, have been 'hover-
around the "point of randomness" [AoK,

This's resulted be-cause I was working
to enable-folks to "invert" [ibid] with re-
spect to "TD E/I-minimization".

All of the 'negativity' that's been directed
at 'me' is just folks' nervous systems 'leap-
ing', back-and-forth, across the "point of

All semblance of Discussion-in-Science has

'only' abstract-TD E/I-minimization within
individual nervous systems remains observ-

These are the of "inward spirals", as they're
discussed in AoK, Ap8.

It's been a 'perfect' Verification of what's
been in-AoK all along.

It's my Hope that folks who Listened to
me when I said, "Don't respond", have,
nevertheless, been Thinking.

Think about how this Same-Stuff wreaks
Havoc within Human interactive dynamics.

Interpolate, through the 'lens' of what's
transpired here in b.n, with respect to
behavioral dynamics across-Humanity.

We have seen, here in b.n, an example
of the wellspring of Humanity's inflicting
Tragedy upon itself.

'blindly'-automated TD E/I-minimization
that ignores all but 'itself', to 'move away
from' all that is not-self.

Don't respond.

Do Think.

K. P. Collins

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