"NMF" <nm_fournier at ns.sympatico.ca> wrote in message
news:RNz%b.16443$Mo4.575298 at news20.bellglobal.com...
> [...]
Re. Publication: When it was written, AoK was
the best Neuroscience that'd ever been done.
That is no longer True, for AoK, as it was
Yet, having given Everything that I had to give,
I'm left without the wherewithal to rewrite AoK
for Formal submission.
I Know, with Certainty, that, at least what's been
in AoK all along is, 'now', broadly understood.
I also know that folks've 'expressed' their Wills
with respect to my receiving Credit for the work
I've done.
I Guard Free Will.
So what I've done, over the 'years', is to outline
a 'rewrite' of AoK, one little-snippet at a 'time',
in msgs I've posted here in b.n and elsewhere.
It's Genuinely-Funny to me that my situation is
like that of the guy who's loaded-down - pockets
full, stuff strapped all over his body, burgeoning
pack on his back, arms-full, hands-carrying duf-
fle bags, a head-sling, hanging-down, overflowing.
And, as he walks by, all he hears is a sinister echo
of the old 'joke', "Hey buddy, got a match?", that
usually translates, directly, into "Hey buddy, since
you're so good at carrying stuff, let me climb on
your back so you can carry me, too."
When it was written, AoK was orders of magnitude
ahead of the field. The present 'state' of NDT is
orders of magnitude ahead of what was Reified in
AoK. I've been Forthright in sharing =what I can= of
the latter. But it's Hard to continue because every-
thing I do is widely ab-used.
You see, I've Responsibility in others' ab-use of
what's in the work I do.
So the pressing-Need has, for a long 'time' already,
been the Achievment of Circumstance in which
there can be no further ab-use of NDT's stuff.
Things'll go as folks Free Wills express that they go.
Free Will =MUST= be Guarded.
K. P. Collins