We all love neuroscience. Well I am being rather egocentric at the moment
by assuming "we". But I do assume that most people in here have a passion
for the unraveling of this great cerebral knot.
It really is a shame. I was looking forward to seeing your methods of
approach to these questions. Hey....!!! we all have been working for years
at trying to do this in a manner that is accurate and concise. No one
denounces the argument you make for considering the topological features of
the nervous system when studying the dynamics of neuronal functioning. We
have all been trying to implement these features (obviously with a different
theoretical framework) with success and sometimes with failures. If
someone, regardless of whether or not they have the formal training, comes
up with the solution. I have nothing to loose. I actually have everything
to gain!
(However, with respect to the questions in this post some of the points you
raised, although are valid for more global aspects of brain functioning, do
not really apply here. Honestly, Dynasoar raises the appropriate questions
with your approach. Needless to say, I am not saying you are completely
wrong either. But there is a time and place for these specific concepts to
be brought up. That's it. Nothing is negative with your approach or
suggestions either).
Anyway keep trying to submit it for publication. But honestly the webpage
idea that Dynasoar suggested is an extremely good idea. I know you have
reservations but seriously do consider this. The outcome will be completely
positive with respect to your ideas being presented in a concise manner to
the public.