Objective Reality

k p Collins kpaulc at [----------]earthlink.net
Thu Feb 26 15:35:11 EST 2004

Hi John,

He was just trying to use a Behaviorist's 'lever'
to induce me to 'behave' in a way that fulfils his

There's been an 'epidemic' of such here in b.n.

With respect to your comments on my interact-
ion here in bionet.neuroscience, I know, with
Certainty, that 'just'-the-opposite of what you
said is True.

Yes, there's been some 'Difficulty' as a result of
the stuff that I've posted, but, over the 'years, I've
shared True-Wonder stuff that is lifting-up Neuro-
science, and will, eventually, through Neuroscience,
lift-up all of Humanity.

So I ain't hangin'-my-head.

Aside: I suggest to folks who view =The Passion
of The Christ=, that, if they view the Satanic 'being'
that flits through the scenes as a 'personification' of
'blindly'-automated TD E/I-minimization, left uncom-
prehended, they'll make some progress toward under-
standing a lot of stuff that I've been discussing.

Brilliant, Mr. Gibson.

Cheers, John, ken [k. p. collins]

"John H." <johnhas at tpg.com.au> wrote in message
news:f8bfc8d5.0402252108.6e6d7ae at posting.google.com...
> [...]

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