Topology is Connectedness

k p Collins kpaulc at [----------]earthlink.net
Thu Feb 26 15:17:06 EST 2004

"NMF" <nm_fournier at ns.sympatico.ca> wrote in message
news:_Xc%b.8652$ee3.412222 at news20.bellglobal.com...
> Ken,
> This is the biggest "dodge" in providing an answer I have ever seen.  That
> is completely unacceptable and a waste of everybody's time in here.  He
> asked you, simply, to show him (and us) how in fact you one can actually
> improve time-series calculations by using the topological organization of
> the cerebellum.  Your response, (basically "Give me money if you want to
> know"), is absolutely ridiculous.  I thought you have devoted about twenty
> plus years on this 'quest'?  Obviously the mathematics and statistical
> analyses have all been done, as you continually reassure myself and
> else, then why the hesitation?
> These are all revolutionary ideas as you continually present. Then show us
> data.  "It's all been calculated before", as you continually advocate,
> a simple highlight and ctrl+v into an open message screen will do the
> I am sure many, including myself, in this n.g. are excited to see these
> "revolutionary ideas".

The "extra mile" is a 'lonely' sojourn.

I answered the Q, to which you refer,
a couple of msgs before it was asked.

Anything else, for reasons that I've
stated, has to be done in-person.

Perhaps it'd be different if I'd not've
gone through all of this, repeadtely,
in the past, to no avail.

Somewhere along the line, I Learned,
and switched my approach.

In-person, at some 'quiet' place, where
folks Love Neuroscience.

Meanwhile, I stand on what I've posted,
[which contains everything anyone, who
has Funding, needs to do anything they
want to do in the vein of what you say,
above], and will continue using my min-
imal personal resources as I Choose,
Accepting all Consequences inherent in
my Decision.

You know? What's all of this about how
I should use my personal resources from
folks who just take, and take, and take,
while giving nothing in return? :-]

ken [k. p. collins]

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