Topology is Connectedness

NMF nm_fournier at ns.sympatico.ca
Wed Feb 25 20:56:44 EST 2004


This is the biggest "dodge" in providing an answer I have ever seen.  That
is completely unacceptable and a waste of everybody's time in here.  He
asked you, simply, to show him (and us) how in fact you one can actually
improve time-series calculations by using the topological organization of
the cerebellum.  Your response, (basically "Give me money if you want to
know"), is absolutely ridiculous.  I thought you have devoted about twenty
plus years on this 'quest'?  Obviously the mathematics and statistical
analyses have all been done, as you continually reassure myself and everyone
else, then why the hesitation?

These are all revolutionary ideas as you continually present. Then show us
data.  "It's all been calculated before", as you continually advocate, then
a simple highlight and ctrl+v into an open message screen will do the trick.
I am sure many, including myself, in this n.g. are excited to see these
"revolutionary ideas".

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