Topology is Connectedness

k p Collins kpaulc at [----------]earthlink.net
Wed Feb 25 21:42:10 EST 2004

"BilZ0r" <BilZ0r at TAKETHISOUThotmail.com> wrote in message
news:Xns949B813F83A1CBilZ0rhotmailcom at
> Work? You call this work? And you
> wonder why you live in a trailer

Yes, yes, no.

"Two outta three ain't bad."

If =you= 'wonder', I'm exploring the
way that Truth can be held-hostage
'because' of the superficialities in-
herent in 'interactive' dynamics.

I'm exploring how the superficial
stuff 'buries' Truth.

Why not explore such?

Since I've told folks who meet
here in b.n "don't respond", no one
can 'criticize' anyone who meets

But, on the same grounds, no one
who meets here in b.n can 'help' me.

I had to Guard folks Free Wills in
order to establish a 'place' in which
to communicate stuff.

So, all I've got is Freedom, and I'm
using it to do some 'Difficult' stuff
that just Needs to be done.

Down the road, folks'll find what's

Meanwhile, all I have to do is keep
putting one foot in front of the other.

Get through the 'day', 'day' after 'day'.

=Groundhog Day=  :-]

"Drivin' on the railroad tracks."

Because I can - and must.

So the 'Difficult' stuff will get

Someone's gotta do it.

The Possibility, inherent, is that the
result will be that, in the Future, some
Child will not have to 'worry' about
'superficialities' - only Truth.

That'd please me.

I'm not sure that that'll happen, but
I've no doubt that the understanding
is hooking-up with folks. All one has
to do to accomplish such is give Worthy
Solutions that assist folks in =their=
Work - and I have.

It's kind-of-a-Hard way to Live.

But, hey - I Believe in Heaven :-]

And Spring's not far-away.

Can't wait to get back into cut-offs,
tee-shirts, and flip-flops.

And try to fix the kitchen sink.

"Burma Shave"

ken [k. p. collins]

> "k p  Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in
> $hm4.14785 at newsread3.news.atl.earthlink.net:
> [...]

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