Objective Reality

Glen M. Sizemore gmsizemore2 at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 25 18:02:28 EST 2004

Your descent into what is traditionally called "madness," and its acutely
public nature (i.e., you post on the freakin' internet) have become, I
admit, mildly fascinating to me. Before VALIS starts beaming "information"
into your brain right through your aluminum foil hat, Ken, drop the
"science" for a moment and tell me a few things. How old are you? Where were
you born? Where did you go to school? What is the extent of your formal
education? Did you ever have a girlfriend? Do sports? Have friends? Did you
have any siblings? Do they keep contact with you? Where do you live now? I'm
serious, Ken. Normally I wouldn't suggest someone post this sort of stuff on
an NG like this but, let's face it, unless you are institutionalized, you
will continue to enlighten us ad nauseam, and I have become truly interested
in the answers to the questions I posed.

"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
news:4r1%b.19528$W74.176 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net...
> "Glen M. Sizemore" <gmsizemore2 at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:bcb387765e572a484d025a99e597d628 at news.teranews.com...
> > [...]
> See the "talking-to-unseen-others-before-and-
> after-the-invention-of-radio example, at the end
> of AoK's "Short Paper" section, Glen.
> Your 'reaction' to the stuff I've been discussing
> is a correlated before-becoming-aware-of-what-
> is dynamic.
> Through work I've done, I'm just able to 'see'
> stuff with respect to which you remain 'blind',
> be-cause the dependencies of the 'seeing' are
>  not, yet, in your experience.
> I do not care to Disclose my Self "on the
> freakin' internet", and find the 'presumption'
> inherent in your reply to be Sorrowfully-'hil-
> arious'.
> The only stuff that Matters is the Science.
> Since I'm using my personal-resourses,
> I address the Science in the way that
> uses those personal-resources as I
> Choose.
> I =understand= that it's 'Difficult'
> K. P. Collins
> > "k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
> > news:uCT_b.20532$hm4.13425 at newsread3.news.atl.earthlink.net...
> > > [...]

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