"Doktor DynaSoar" <targeting at OMCL.mil> wrote in message
news:ri2o3055amj2oo5ui82mcbgg5gocq3nctm at 4ax.com...
> [...]
The Best-way is in-person.
Since you're hooked-up with the NIH,
and, since you feel so strongly that it's
necessary to 'defend truth', why don't
you use your 'connections' to get me a
Grant, from the NIH, that would cov-
er the costs inherent in my coming to
the NIH to show folks at the NIH any-
thing that they'd like to be shown?
It will require =at least= 6 months, be-
cause there's a =lot= that needs to be
presented, and there will be a =lot=
of stuff with respect to which folks will
want to see-the-data, each instance of
which will require me to go to the Lib-
rary at the NIH, to get the stuff that
folks want to see.
So I'll need a Grant that covers my
living expenses [housing, food, trans-
portation, etc.], and, =in addition to=
these living-expenses, $10,000/month,
and the process will be terminable
=only= with Agreement of =all= parties
involved. [It won't be over until I Agree
that it's Over. [This, be-cause I cannot
say, at this 'point', what folks at the NIH
do, and do not, Know in Neuroscience,
and I'll have to Teach folks what they
do not Know. I don't Know how long
that will take.]
I'll also need permission to admit Fair
Witnesses to the whole process, and
that all of it be Documented in the
manner of my Choosing, and com-
pletely-open to the Public.
Otherwise, I'll use my minimal personal-
resourses as I determine it is Best to
use them. Which is what I've been doing.
I'm 'curious'. Have you read AoK?
K. P. Collins