It's so 'interesting'

Doktor DynaSoar targeting at OMCL.mil
Tue Feb 24 21:36:27 EST 2004

On Tue, 24 Feb 2004 09:43:46 GMT, "k p  Collins"
<kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote:

} "Doktor DynaSoar" <targeting at OMCL.mil> wrote in message
} news:rl0l30humgitci0uee65orvt0629tcttdo at 4ax.com...
} > On Mon, 23 Feb 2004 11:28:45 GMT, "k p  Collins"
} > <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote:
} >
} > } All I can say is that I don't see them.
} > }
} > } I saw some of them, 'immediately' after
} > } I posted them, but, later, as far as I
} > } could see [as afr as =my= newsreader
} > } 'sees'], they're 'just' not-there.
} > }
} > } I've started discussing elsewhere.
} > }
} > } K. P. Collins
} >
} > Check your newsreader settings. See if "display read messages" is
} > turned off.
} It's not that.
} I know of nothing, on my end, that it could
} be.

Yes, typically if a setting had changed in your own software, you
would know it.

If it really matters, you could always look up the posts on Google
groups, get the message-IDs, and use those to try to force a download
for them from your server, to see if they exist there or not.

} But, hey, we have something in-common.
} I was born in New Haven, and my Dad
} was stationed at Yale as a Young Army
} Enlisted Man. He worked in the ROTC
} program [whatever it was called back
} then]. He worked in the stables.
} It's 'funny' how what goes-around, comes-
} around.
} He was dinigrated by Yalies, 'two'.
} These 'days' I can understand his Sorrow.
} I find it 'interesting' that you started 'hound-
} ing' me on the 'day' following my expression
} of Disgust with respect to the 'skull and bones'.
} Ring any bells?

I've noticed the conspiracy nuts in the kook-relevant newsgroups
ranting about things like that, but I frankly don't pay much attention
beyond entertainment value. These are the same people who say US
astronauts didn't really land on the moon, and that the moon is hollow
and was proven so by the seismometers left on the moon by US
astronauts. So you can see why I don't pay much attention to them. I
place the proper amout of credence in the overblown student prank
stories, which is to say none. If I thought it were important enough
to have an opinion about, I would probably express disgust with it

I'm not "from" Yale. I'm from NIH in Bethesda, MD. I have a grant to
work here for a while. That's all.

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