"NMF" <nm_fournier at ns.sympatico.ca> wrote in message
news:Yuc_b.3216$Mo4.100812 at news20.bellglobal.com...
However, when
> evalulating the evidence presented in the New Testament there is
> considerable suggestion that he could have suffered from limbic epilepsy.
> Christ is a prime example of temporal lobe personality.
Thank you, I've been waiting for someone who knows about epilepsy to affirm
that TLE is can be manifest in such a way.
>> > The "Essenes" thing is nothing but routine> Slander through which folks
> who 'move> away from' Jesus attempt to 'justify' the> directionality in
> which they 'move'.
>> No. It is derived from historical suggestion and extreme similarities
> between Jesus' teaching and the teachings from the "Essenes". They are
> strikingly similar. However, that is not evidence but rather speculation.
>> There are many cultural and historical examples of Christ-like figures
> throughout history that predates Christianity. Consider the parallels
> between Siddhartha and Christ. The Christ figure and story is not all that
> novel or unique. Even a quick glance of the history of the Middle East
> during that time of Christ, especially in and around Judea and Galilee,
> would reveal that there were many Christ-like cults that operating at that
> time. These cults and followers were not all that different from
> typically accepted Judeo-Christian Christ cult.
The Christ story, and the Trinity, are contained in broad form in the
ancient Egpytian religion re Ammon or Amon. It is a a very old story.
John H.