There is no censorship of you in sci.cognitive or anywhere else. Doing
so would require the existence of cancel or supersedes messages in the
newsgroup control.cancel. There aren't any.
In the last 10 days you've posted 16 messages to sci.cognitive, 14 of
them in the 44 article thread "Re: brain theory + readiness
potential". They're all there.
On Sun, 22 Feb 2004 10:27:49 GMT, "k p Collins"
<kpaulc@[----------]> wrote:
} "k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]> wrote in message
} news:of%Zb.15634$hm4.12839 at
} > My posts in sci.cognitive are being
} > Censored.
} >
} > Even after they are showing-up in
} > sci.cognitive, they are being Censored.
} >
} > It's so 'interesting'.
} >
} > In one of them, I'd reified "Soul" [with,
} > of course, much discussion remaining,
} > but contingent upon the first post's not
} > being Censored.
} >
} > It was.
} >
} > "Ken, create a web site."
} >
} > Ho, ho, ho :-]
} >
} > All the 'doors' have slammed-shut.
} >
} > Sad cheers,
} >
} > k. p. collins
} It's 'funny' this 'censorship' happens
} to me all over the place in 'cyberspace',
} but folks suggest I build a web site?
} I've made a Study of it.
} k. p. collins