A matter of taste

k p Collins kpaulc at [----------]earthlink.net
Sun Feb 22 09:50:52 EST 2004

"Peter F." <effectivespamblock at ozemail.com.au> wrote in message
news:Cp2_b.981$3X5.30094 at nnrp1.ozemail.com.au...
> Hi again Ken,
> I would prefer to see more bite
> than bark; Less of a hark back to
> yesterdays neurological natter, mere
> nuisances, or nothing much; And more
> of a nark about what is the real
> evolutionary and psychobiological bitch
> than about nothing much or which ever
> euphemistic old views. %-}
> P

"bark vs. bite":

Sorry, Peter, you know me: ~"Go the
extra mile, turn the other cheek, and
give 'em your shirt, too".

Free Will =must= be Guarded.

This's True be-cause it's individual
nervous systems that, individually,
see Truth, or not.

In the matter of NDT's understanding,
each Person will be their own 'Judge'.

I can only Choose for myself.

And, if you think that NDT's stuff
"hark[s] back", then you don't, yet,
understand NDT's stuff.

It Encompasses stuff that's long
been Known, but it does so in a
way that's unprecedented.

[If you're talking about my Attributing
Priority to Jesus. Yes, I stand on that,
with jaw-hanging-down, that the ex-
perimental results point directly to Him.
I'm Willing to Die for this, Peter. I'll
never 'deny' it. I've seen it with my own

ken [k. p. collins]

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