I RETRACT everything I wrote
in this post, quoted below.
I'd like to Believe that it's so, but
I've no way of being "sure" that
anyone, other than a select few
knows anything about NDT's
stuff, other than what the select
few have shared with them, if
I reacted 'two'-strongly to the
'insinuation' that was in Longley's
It's like a knife.
I was trying to be 'cavalier' in the
face of it.
Specificly, what I retract is that
I said, "I'm sure"...
The first two paragraphs of my
reply are True.
I made strong efforts, but they
were all like "messages in a
bottle" - launched, then left to
their fates.
k. p. collins
"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
news:KQ5Zb.12056$hm4.9064 at newsread3.news.atl.earthlink.net...
> "David Longley" <David at longley.demon.co.uk> wrote in message
> news:guCnq$K4hMNAFw0i at longley.demon.co.uk...> > How old are you Ken? Over 40 I suspect, over 50?
> >
> > When did you start having ideas like this and putting them in writing?
> > Late teens, early 20s?
>> Well, first I had to work-through the Science,
> but it's been since some 'years' before the end
> of the Cold War. When was that? :-]
>> AoK's immediate antecedant paper was
> written in 1979. Knowing about how
> 'blindly'-automated TD E/I-minimization
> 'blindly'-and-automatically induces Humanity
> to Ravage itself was worked-out by then,
> and explained in that paper ["Why: Human
> Behavior"].
>> It's not a 'guess', BTW. I assurred AoK
> got to where it needed to get, and I'm
> sure it got-there. I was Obliged.
>> "Knowledge Obliges."
>> That's what I always say.
>> It's why I can, 'now', reach-out to folks,
> have Faith that my reaching-out will
> reach-them, and that folks'll Listen - folks
> Know what it took to reach-them with
> NDT's stuff.
>> Decades ago.
>> What're'ya, 'jealous'? :-]
>> Anyway, kindly stop signing your name
> at the end of my posts.
>> Earn a place for your name by actually
> saying something. Then, put your name
> =there=.
>> Putting your name at the end of other folks'
> work is tantamount to Fraud.
>> K. P. Collins
>> > In article <HvYYb.11283$hm4.5268 at newsread3.news.atl.earthlink.net>, k p
> > Collins <kpaulc@[----------].invalid> writes
> > > [...]