To Peter Re: DC lesion? - a lesson?

k p Collins kpaulc at [----------]earthlink.net
Sun Feb 22 05:01:21 EST 2004

Ho, ho, ho, the plot thickens.

I stand on what I've posted.

It =has= been in AoK, Ap7, all along.

K. P. Collins

"Peter F." <effectivespamblock at ozemail.com.au> wrote in message
news:niZZb.872$3X5.26676 at nnrp1.ozemail.com.au...
> To habitually reduce/generalise, e.g., to state (as you did, in regard to
> the, by NMR re-revealed, placebo effect) something as obvious as:
> ""Prefrontal Cortex".
> See AoK, Ap7, where it's all been
> in-there, all along.";
> Or, to simplify the ways we (our brains) deal with having been in SHITS
> (e.g. been slowly traumatizing situations in early infancy) and later
> a vast variety of symptoms of the CURSES thereby as if put into our
> individual brains, to "WDB2T",
> is to slander the seriousness of the significant symptoms of, and causes
> factors behind, reality's vast and deep field of psychosocial
> and crucial causative importances.
> IOW, any theoretical statements or explanations (no matter how technical)
> bland/euphemizing/emulsifying as yours are in respect of such serious
> on, operate intellectually way too far from a suitably SEPTIC conceptual
> soaking in the negative sides of cultural and psychological such symptoms,
> and their specific underlying causes and mechanisms.
> P

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