To Peter Re: DC lesion? - a lesson?

Peter F. effectivespamblock at ozemail.com.au
Sun Feb 22 02:58:10 EST 2004

To habitually reduce/generalise, e.g., to state (as you did, in regard to
the, by NMR re-revealed, placebo effect) something as obvious as:

""Prefrontal Cortex".
See AoK, Ap7, where it's all been
in-there, all along.";

Or, to simplify the ways we (our brains) deal with having been in SHITS
(e.g. been slowly traumatizing situations in early infancy) and later shows
a vast variety of symptoms of the CURSES thereby as if put into our
individual brains, to "WDB2T",

is to slander the seriousness of the significant symptoms of, and causes and
factors behind, reality's vast and deep field of psychosocial putrifaction'
and crucial causative importances.

IOW, any theoretical statements or explanations (no matter how technical) as
bland/euphemizing/emulsifying as yours are in respect of such serious goings
on, operate intellectually way too far from a suitably SEPTIC conceptual
soaking in the negative sides of cultural and psychological such symptoms,
and their specific underlying causes and mechanisms.


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