Ho, ho, ho.
I stand on what =I've= posted.
[Hoping that your Ethics at targeting[at]OMCL.mil is
better than your posting 'ethics' :-]
K. P. Collins
"Doktor DynaSoar" <targeting at OMCL.mil> wrote in message
news:f6dg301ommds7bcucvjel889d30hc61200 at 4ax.com...
> On Sun, 22 Feb 2004 03:10:23 GMT, "k p Collins"
> <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote:
>> } > } I stand on what I've posted.
> } >
> } > I know. You apparently purposely tried to mislead someone asking a
> } > question about calculation of correlation dimension by rattling off
> } > nonsense about the brain. It was wrong. You stand by that, and I see
> } > to that.
> }
> } No, you don't.
>> You're wrong. I'm doing precisely that.
>> } You 'see' what you 'presumed'.
>> I see that I've cut and pasted your own words from your own messages
> and proven you've purposely misled someone by posting extraneous
> information as though it were a response to their question. It's all
> in the archive. I can do it again. I can ever repost the entire thread
> and document each step of your retreat from taking responsibility for
> your own words and behavior.
>> } 'go away'.
>> When you stand on what you've posted and admit that you did what the
> evidence shows, we can move on from there. But I'm not going anywhere.