Cheapest EEG analysis system?

k p Collins kpaulc at [----------]earthlink.net
Sat Feb 21 19:48:02 EST 2004

"Manuel Delaflor" <delaflorm at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:77281f45.0402180842.2831eddb at posting.google.com...
> I need 64 channels, all the equipment including software. Does someone
> sells used Neuroscans, for example? I bet there are wat cheaper
> equipments out there, but I dont know anyone.
> All suggestions welcomed.

Peasae do not reply.

I've Regretted my cheap attempt
at 'humor' ever since I posted it
in reply to your query, Manuel.

In the midst of your Exuberance
for Discovery, I caved-in to 'blind'-

I Apologize, and ask your Forgiveness.

I suggest you follow the leads that
Jean-Etienne shared with you.

K. P. Collins

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