About Ken [was: Could a cell membrane provide an electromagnetic shield]

Doktor DynaSoar targeting at OMCL.mil
Sat Feb 21 18:46:29 EST 2004

On Thu, 19 Feb 2004 07:39:09 GMT, "k p  Collins"
<kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote:

} I want, only, to be "held accountable for" every-
} thing I've discussed.
} The 'Problem' has been that no one will do that.
} Hold me Accountable.
} Please.

I did, am and will.

} You'll have to do more than 'he-says-she-says'
} stuff, though.

That 'he-says-she-says' stuff was a complete quoting of prior traffic
in the thread, which your previous message insisted I do.

You can't have it both ways, Ken.

} I stand on what I've posted.

I know. You apparently purposely tried to mislead someone asking a
question about calculation of correlation dimension by rattling off
nonsense about the brain. It was wrong. You stand by that, and I see
to that.

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