"Synaptic (selective) Hibernation" ~= LTD! One more concEPTual and functural angle and ammunition!

Peter F. effectivespamblock at ozemail.com.au
Fri Feb 20 10:27:40 EST 2004

I like whenever I feel an enrichment coming-on into to the way I think about

It too rarely happens these days.

[Am mostly twiddling my "Explanatory Philosophical Terminological" thumbs;
And I (not these "thumbs") was starting to get I bit worn and stale by

For that reason I am happy to hereby announce (:->) that I have found a
supplementary perspective on repression/habituation of "slowly
traumatizing" - slow SHITS type -
hence correspondingly _gradually_ "Habituated to", situations (or 'settings
of stimulation').

This category of traumas is what I prefer to pedagogically push ahead
of "rapidly traumatizing" traumas (or ditto SHITS). I do because the former
"category of traumas" are (IMO) at least as important, whilst at the same
time usually NOT as frequently, widely, and fully recognized,
as the latter.

And so I then consequently also prefer to promote an awareness of (or push
the existence of) any by slow SHITS caused "CURSES".

CURSES covers a category of conditioned-in (or learnt/memory) states that
are as if "put" into an in a SHITS situated individual's "ASS".

ASS is a fresh alternative to writing nervous system or brain; and it is
derived from 'Actention Selection System'.

CURSES type memories are referred to by Janov as "Pain" or
"primal pain".

If "Pain in the ASS" does not provide an opportunity to form a
SEPTIC-humored phrase, and a philanthropically oriented opinion on what can
be done sociopolitically to minimize the frequency by which SHITS are formed
and CURSES thereby put in brains.
nothing does! ;-)

Thank you NMF, for bringing the LTD concept and phenomenon to my
acronym-manufacturing attention.!



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