Reuptake transporter = Reuptake carrier, and Although I've never heard it
before, presumabley they are all the same as the reuptake receptor.
What I am after is a single experiment that quantifies, either in terms
of EC50s, or Ki/d/m (whatever) the affinity for those various
amphetamines for the 5-HT reuptake transporter/carrier/receptor and the
dopamine transporter/carrier/receptor. The reason why Im after the
affinities in one paper, is that I find wildely varying affinities from
one paper to the next.
David Longley <David at> wrote in news:99WQuKIuR
$MAFwOg at
> I once worked with DSP-4 (N-2-chloroethyl-N-ethyl-2-bromobenzylamine
> hydrochloride) as an alternative to 6-OHDA) whilst looking at forebrain
> NE' (and other monomaines') role in various aspects of learning. It
> looks like the term "transporter" is being used here as a synonym for
> (presynaptic) "reuptake receptor". Is that the case? I used to use DMI,
> 5-7 DHT, but not MDMA in control groups. I thought these ligands were
> somewhat dirty and bound to lots of receptors - is this what you're
> interested in, ie their relative affinities (sorry if this has all been
> said earlier).
>> This is really a trivial question for my benefit, as I expect matters
> have moved on considerably since my day (although I do try to keep up
> with some of it).