How old are you Ken? Over 40 I suspect, over 50?
When did you start having ideas like this and putting them in writing?
Late teens, early 20s?
In article <HvYYb.11283$hm4.5268 at>, k p
Collins <kpaulc@[----------].invalid> writes
>>India and Pakistan Set a 6-Month
>Timetable for Peace Talks"
>>Please understand that 6 months is
>'insufficient'. The 'disagreements" that
>have to be worked-through literally
>exist within the nervous systems of
>the Citizens of both of your Nations -
>in the form of "biological mass" that
>has formed, via =normal= functioning
>within the nervous systems of the Cit-
>izens who have been involved.
>>As you work to find ways through
>the 'disagreements', this or that that
>you attempt to do =will= induce
>TD E/I(up) to occur within individ-
>ual nervous systems, simply because
>whatever it is that you will be working
>to accomplish will be 'unfamiliar' to
>Citizens who experience it.
>>Nervous systems tend, strongly, to
>react 'blindly'-and-automatically to
>such occurrences of TD E/I(up).
>>There are only two ways that such
>can be dealt with:
>>1. Teach folks how nervous systems
>process information.
>>2. When the 'blindly'-automated re-
>actions occur, =do not= counter-re-
>act, but, rather, guide your Citizenries
>with respect to the absurdity that their
>'blindly'-automated reactions to the
>'unfamiliarity' of your efforts to over-
>come the 'disagreements' that have
>inflicted Tragedy, and forstalled
>Development within your Nations.
>Focus upon the irrationality that's
>[always] inherent in such 'blindly'-
>automated reactions. They always
>wreak havoc, destroying both Lives
>and Property, and never 'settle' any-
>thing. When there is a supposed
>'victory' through aggression, such
>always comes at the cost of the
>establishment of 'simmering' resent-
>ments that only set the stage for
>future non-cooperation.
>>So, presuming that folks won't
>Choose option 1., option 2. re-
>quires Leadership to Guide their
>Citizenries in the midsts of what
>will be their 'blindly'-automated
>reactions to the TD E/I(up) that
>efforts to accomplish that which
>is 'unfamiliar' unfold.
>>This will take much-longer than 6
>months - because, what must happen
>within Citizenries' nervous systems is
>the creation of "biological mass" with
>respect to the =mutual= well-beings
>of =both= Pakistan's and India's Peo-
>ples - and Leadership must work
>determinedly, and patiently, while such
>"biological mass" is created.
>>If your Leadership is determined, patient,
>even-handed and Honoring-Truth, it can
>be 'accomplished', incompletely, but in a
>way that will have become self-sustaining,
>in about ten 'years'.
>>During this period of 'years' your Leader-
>ships must Guide your Citizenries through
>what will be their 'blindly'-automated re-
>actions to the 'unfamiliarity' of your
>striding toward the future prosperities
>of both India and Pakistan.
>>Don't get 'side-tracked' when 'blindly'-
>automated reactions occur. Know that
>they will occur, and lose no 'time' in
>lifting your Citizenries up in understanding
>with respect the absurdity inherent in
>self-inflicted woundings of your Nations.
>>Don't be deterred from Peace.
>>I will Pray for your Success.
>>K. P. Collins
David Longley